Cyberpunk 2077

The corpos just want to paint him in a bad light so no one else will stand up to them.

The corpos just want to paint him in a bad light so no one else will stand up to them.


  1. Thatoneidiot28

    Well, he did nuke a building. In the middle of a densely populated urban center.

    Feels like there’s gotta be a less dangerous way of “sticking it to the man.”

  2. TehBigD97

    He became a convenient scapegoat because he’s the merc that died in the operation (in reference to the real attack, not the version we see in Johnny’s memories). It was Militechs idea to use the nuke, but Johnny took their money and went along with it, so he was at least complicit in a nuclear blast that killed tens of thousands and crippled Night City for decades. You can argue that the nuke was meant to detonate underground and none of them knew what was gonna happen, but using nukes is, by definition, playing with fire.

  3. eat-pussy69

    He nuked a building… probably killed a couple thousand innocent bystanders, plus tens of thousands of others with radioactive fallout…

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