Call of Duty: Warzone

7 wins today!

Clipped my favorite of them all. I know I'm not a demon or sweat but I like to think I'm above average

If you you're a real good player I wouldn't mind a few tips if you see something I need to work on I'm always trying to get better and truly enjoy how competitive this game is.

Like I said I acknowledge I'm not a really good player so if you want to insult just move along please thanks.

Is the STG the most OP gun of all time?
Getting lame with everyone using the same guns.
Wish they could balance guns properly so every gun is good and certain guns for different gun fights. Wz1 was a lot more gun balanced imo. Just sick of always having to use the meta guns to compete. Superi gets nerfed what 3 or 4 times but they leave the STG with no nerf and literally feels like aimbot sometimes(I play on PS5)

Anyways if you guys got any tips to help me get better I'd appreciate it.


1 Comment

  1. RustyVandalay

    Funny how you’re able to track fliers through smoke, but could barely manage getting up on the rooftop of Chemical Engineering. Asshole.

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