
Should I be worried?

Should I be worried?


  1. CDRiptide

    Tencent owns so many major names already so…🤷

  2. EdgarZnoe

    I love the CCP! China number 1 I love games that give my lowly user data to the great Chinese government so they can create a better future just for me!!!11!1!!1!1

  3. curious_xo

    Tencent is actually a good studio for F2P Genre.

    Meanwhile there’s Netease studios who abandon their games after making enough money.

  4. Looked not-terrible until they revealed their whole micro transaction scheme but fml what even is this shit

    It’s the same scheme the Tencent cash farm games had 15 years ago, I remember playing shit like Combat Arms which had pretty much the same scheme (plus a lot extra on top lmao)

  5. MayorAdamWest1

    Surprisingly the game is actually really good. Tarkov should be scared.

  6. chillybawls

    Can we not just enjoy the game, this succulent Chinese game?

  7. LegendaryHooman

    Most of the time, no.

    Being the biggest tech company in the world, they are able to sponsor hundreds of other companies. Fund projects, use connections, basically REALLY fucking good if you’re a business. The companies get solid funding, profits come in and tencent takes a cut.

    A lot of the time, they let the company do their thing because tencent acquires already well established companies from their success. You don’t want to fix what’s not broken.

    For smaller companies under their name, tencent usually uses them for propaganda and the like. Most of which isn’t very successful but they don’t care, they mostly care about money for them to push an “ideal” image of tencent.

  8. geoffkreuz

    It’s ok, it’s not like you’re contributing money to the CCP.

  9. GamesTeasy

    Monthly substitutions to keep your secure container btw

  10. Mr5tealYourGirl

    They should change their name from Tencent to something else, gone are the days when they started a gaming company selling games for 10c

  11. ItsJustKeegs

    Even if the game is P2W, I was still able to enjoy myself and profit from raids (almost reaching 5 million at this point) without needing to buy a secure container or purchasing the in-game currency.

    I’m just happy I’m spending more time running and gunning than sorting out my stash and queuing 5~15 minutes just to get into a raid.

    I hope they’ll have something similar to Tarkov’s hideout in the future.

  12. Btw similar with Delta Force: Hawk Ops. And Once Human. Owned by NetEase instead of Tencent but still controlled by China ofc. 

  13. BennieOkill360

    Hopefully delta force will be better then

  14. OberonFirst

    Your favourite game is probably owned by Tencent

  15. Grave_Knight

    If you’re worried about Tencent, just don’t play video games at all. They have their hand in pretty much every major game studio and a few minor ones. But all and all, they’re just another corpo, no more or less a problem than say Microsoft or EA.

  16. kingofchaosx

    I avoid everything with a direct Tencent or Netease logo like plague

  17. Clear_Ad9108

    Googled the game, Google indexed a page full chinese text. I noped the fuck out. I can bet my left nut its gonna be predatory and the experience will suck and be super shallow.

  18. demagogueffxiv

    It’s free to play so it’s going to be a shit show.

  19. Jaykahtsby

    I mean yes the monetization is a bit aggressive, but the game is still great f2p, there’s no gameplay locked behind a pay wall, except for some ‘high roller’ versions of the f2p limited time game modes. There’s so many events and free gifts to keep you going. On mobile, I got ‘rich’ pretty quickly.

    The kicker is the quests. They’re so bad they make Tarkov’s quest design seem revolutionary. Once you’ve burnt through the uninspiring quest line, you get the exact same set of weekly quests every week. It gets boring fast.

  20. Neo14515

    WIthout even knowing what “Arena Breakout” is, I bet there are a lot of micro transactions now.

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