
I can’t be alone here

30 minute intro

5 seconds walking

20 minutes cutscene

Pop up window tutorial

Do one extremely basic thing

5 minute cutscenes

Walk literally 3 steps

Pop up for the store

Take another step

Pop up window about some mechanic I won’t see for another 10 hours

Take two steps

Pop up window about events you can spend money on


  1. bombatomba69

    Truth, truth. To the scroll though, not the guy throwing it

  2. WiseCoyote1820

    I’m fine with a story/cinematic experience but tutorials drive me up the wall if they aren’t concise and quick to get through.

    I started playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 yesterday and I made it about 3 hours before I shut it off and just stopped playing. The tutorials never stop. It’s every 10 feet for hours on end. I just can’t.

  3. Happy_Principle8903

    Well, theres always Dwarf Fort and Aurora 4x…

  4. Depends on what are you playing. If you’re playing a narrative-based game, cutscenes are there to enforce the story. If you’re playing some mindless button masher you don’t really need the story. All in all, it depends if story-driven games are more towards your taste or not.

  5. Small_Tax_9432

    This is why my old ass likes older games XD

  6. Honest-Yesterday-675

    I tried to warn everyone about tutorials years ago and I was shunned.

    I just want a game to treat me like I’ve played a game before.

    the best tutorial is the one you don’t know you’re playing. where the game organically teaches you how to play.

  7. ShriekingMarxist

    As much as I’m enjoying Dave The Diver, the way it’d break into a cut scene introducing a new system or smart phone icon every single morning was driving me nuts. Let me just make some sushi dawg.

  8. Cloud_N0ne

    Depends on the game. I love story-heavy stuff, but it’s also fun when games make it entirely background detail.

  9. grumpykruppy

    That’s fair, for a game that focuses on shooting like DOOM, or any game where the story is meant to be second fiddle.

    But a lot of games are explicitly narrative-based. Skipping the story in an RPG is skipping a fundamental aspect of the game. I agree that some games don’t really need a story, but for a game that explicitly makes the story the focus, *you* are the one in the wrong – you’re simply not the target audience.

  10. Nacho_7258

    I don’t mind a lot of dialogue as long as it’s not missable. A lot of times I spend waiting for dialogue to finish before moving on with the game.

  11. EccentricHubris

    For you maybe. But I have parents who got into video games recently, they actually like the long tutorials and the exposition.

  12. EngineeringDevil

    depends on the genre

    Shooters I prefer story telling like bulletstorm where the majority of all story happens while you can do stuff

    rpgs i like periods of time where stuff just happens, but I better be able to do stuff soonish and not be a 30+min cutscene

    and I guess then there are games like telltale games were its a mix of things? but basically an interactive cutscene

    I do hate all the “fucking buy shit” stuff though. but I only expect it in ftp games, hate it in non ftp games

  13. CrunchyBaconxx

    I agree, it’s fine if they’re a few minutes long but 10-20 minutes is way too long.

  14. themagicbong

    Metal gear solid 4 would like a word. I enjoyed every minute of it, and had me straight up tearing up at the end. But fuck me was that a long series of cutscenes.

  15. FromSoft does this well: Optional tutorial explaining the buttons in 2 minutes. „Now go and finish the game.“

  16. Jrpgs where you don’t even engage in the combat system for the first hour and a half.

  17. MooseCables

    Japanese anime games are the worst for this. I bought a bunch of anime games on a steam sale last year and it was just a parade of anime cliches for the first 2 hours while I had my hand held through the most basic shit.

  18. Have a optional tutorial level, which you could play at anytime. I remember when that was the new thing and it was great. New to the game or want a refresher after an extended break or want to do some target practice? You play through the tutorial. 

    So much nicer than the current : 
    Ok, time for the final test, let’s get your suit configured, look up and down. That’s great, everything is green across the board, did you hear about . . . (5 “why won’t it end?” later) now look left and then right? 

  19. SakanaAtlas

    Cough* pokemon ever since Sun and Moon cough*

  20. Astrojef

    For about a decade now, I have felt that we were not playing the games, but the games are in fact, playing us.

  21. UnsettllingDwarf

    Cutscene- walk 10 steps- fade to load- fade to cutscene- fade to load – walk 10 steps to door – fade to load – cutscene

    Oh my fucking gosh I hate this in games. Also hand holding in a lot of games suck. Make things easy to understand first of all and don’t hold my hand and give me paragraphs of info for the first 4 hours I need to remember forever.

  22. IIPorkinsII

    Just started playing Traveler’s Rest and yeah… this is accurate. The devs were clearly afraid that players wouldn’t understand some of the machanics, so they take about 2 hours of playtime explaining everything.

    Every cacharacter you meet is like, “Hello, you must be the new taverkeeper. I can tell because you look like a guy who would purchase and operate a tavern. I’m Joe Weaponsalesman III. I sell weapons including copper weapons, iron weapons, and steel weapons and I am known for my gruffness and tight lips. However these traits conceal a heart of gold which I inherited from my mother, Helga Weaponsalesman. If you want to buy tools, you’ll have to talk to my brother, Steve Toolsalesman, standing 4ft to my right. By the way, my son, Jimmy, is missing. We haven’t always seen eye to eye since his mother died and I refused to go to the funeral because I needed to stay here and sell weapons. But the truth is, our problems go much deeper than that. You see, when Jimmy was a boy [long exposition]. Please help me find my son! As the town tavernkeeper, you are surely well-equipped for this task!”

    The huge lore dumps made me miss playing Stardew, talking to Sebastian for the first time and hearing him say “Sorry, I don’t really know what to say to new people”. I love it when games make you earn it instead of treating you like a baby who needs everything explained to you.

  23. Grater_Kudos

    Destiny 2 has the most confusing beginning for newcomers

  24. x-Justice

    This. If I play a game and it starts with a cutscene, I take 5 steps forward, pick up a sword, and it immediately throws me into another cutscene about how magical this sword is. I’m closing the game out.

    This is why I’m VERY wary of buying games these days. I don’t have the patience (and I doubt many do lol) for the stop and go style of game. Let me just play.

  25. hapless_dm

    It really depends on the game for me.

    I don’t mind beign interrupted every now and then, if the story they are telling me is good AND the gameplay after is fun and riveting.

    I usually have more problems when a game tries so cover a fucked up with another fucked up, giving me something mediocre in the process in both.

  26. Titanusgamer

    for me this was cyberpunk experience. 2 min of gameplay for 10min of cutscene

  27. froid_san

    Then we get “I’m going to start X game what do I need to know first before diving in” on every gaming sub reddit.

  28. ACorania

    I play for stories. I have zero issue with the above sequence. If they have to make it so people can both skip all the story and somehow it still makes sense… then the game is so dumbed down I have no interest.

  29. lycanthrope90

    You’re just playing bad games lol. If I wanted to play with my money I’d go to a casino.

  30. Fit-Confusion-6722

    I love Yakuza games, but this is so common, some chapters are devoted to cutscenes and small walks to the next cutscene.

  31. MrEckoShy

    I’m glad we live in a world with a huge variety of games and devs don’t just cater to you’re extremely narrow preferences.

  32. Supaspex

    **Saints Row Reboot** felt like this. RIP *Deep Silver/Volition*

  33. ---TheFierceDeity---

    Sorry but not all games can cater to people with the patience and reading capabilities of a toddler

  34. InnocenceScarlett

    I get that we are a social species, but honestly, everyone should have the ability to be happy in their own company. Needing company 24/7 should be seen as some sort of disorder, and it often leads people into terrible social situations.

  35. thedirtypickle50

    There are so many games that don’t do this though. Just don’t play story focused games

  36. Edgaras1103

    Nah. I have no interest in purely gameplay driven games. If you don’t have story and characters then I’m out

  37. ryans_privatess

    My top played games are never cuts scene heavy or over the top with tutorials. Rimworld, 7 days to die, any from softgame, hollow knight, they are billions – love them because they actually let me figure it out not point at obvious mechanics incessedly.

    “Open your back pack ” – no shit I have a back pack. Every game has a back pack..fuck off.

  38. wonderlandisburning

    This has been my issue with the Pokemon games since Black and White. Every area has some awful support character run up and shove items you’ll never use into your hands and force you to participate in unskippable tutorials… I miss when they just plopped you into the game and said “alright, figure it out kid, we’re not holding your hand.”

  39. Dragon’s Dogma 2 would have been a lot better if Pawns wouldn’t talk nonstop about ladders among other things

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