Cyberpunk 2077

Vincent or Valerie? Seeing these two so close makes me imagine a reality where they both exist together. They would tear Night City apart.

Vincent or Valerie? Seeing these two so close makes me imagine a reality where they both exist together. They would tear Night City apart.


  1. PrufrockAlfred

    Vincent for Streetkid, Valerie for Corpo. Nomad can go either way. 

  2. viviwrites

    One of the hardest siblings or dating question ever.

  3. TheSpaceSpinosaur

    This would go so hard. Same energy as fem and bro Commander Shepard.

  4. NikushimiZERO

    I usually go Vincent since I try to make myself in games when there’s character creation, at least for first playthroughs. Of course, V is way more badass than I’ll ever be, but still.

    I always loved how they become so disillusioned to Night City over the course of the game. You can hear their voice just get more and more tired, sick, and just disgusted with everything.

    That being said, I am loving Valerie as I’m playing through as her now, and I would have *loved* if they had allowed both V’s to exist, perhaps as siblings or something. Would have brought a whole new, amazing dynamic to the game.

  5. JudgeJoeDean24

    They both have that “balancing on the edge of chaos and control” look to them. It’s dope.

  6. Gradedcaboose

    Always Valerie, Cherami Leigh is an amazing voice actress and kills the role, ever since my first playthrough she’s my definitive V

  7. JaSper-percabeth

    I’ve always felt that for the kind of stuff he does game was definitely made taking into consideration a male V.

  8. jl_theprofessor

    That’s not V. I know Karlach when I see her.

  9. SF6-Manon

    Val all the way. Her VA is just top-notch perfection.

  10. LordReaperofMars

    finished my first full play through with a Streetkid Vincent (but nobody calls him that)

    loved it, especially his relationship with Johnny. I might try a transmasc Corpo V next play through

  11. Ill-Balance-3763

    I like to think that they’re twin siblings, Valerie- Street Kid or Corpo. Vincent Nomad or Corpo. SK V starter outfit is clearly for a female, pink and gold is a combination that is used mostly for women. Both nomad and Corpo have red and black which is a lot more versatile.

  12. Dumbingeneral

    Valerie is the loud sister that would never shut up or back down from a fight

    Vincent is the brother tired of everyone’s shit that just punches a guy in the jaw, says nothing, goes back to finish his meal and then pays like nothing happened

  13. galiumsmoke

    Vincent strikes me as a jarhead, dont know why

  14. deshelyak

    I would imagine they could be twins. But obviously they cant both have the chip so writing that would be awkward and difficult but i feel like the only proper way they could get away with a LA tv show.

  15. suchjonny

    Oh if they were twins have one of them die instead of Jackie. That world hurt so much more for sure.

  16. Siblings, both work together on the Arasaka job and one gets infected (player character), Jackie dies and the drawn out loss of self and seeing someone you know and love watch you change even though you’re denying it yourself. It would be a rough one.

  17. AdministrationWarm71

    Valerie. I don’t want to hear Vincent’s voice in my ears, but Valerie’s voice actor is phenomenal.

  18. Classic-Resident-866

    One dramatic, the other just menacing in the background, street kid v is on a different level

  19. Hollow-Official

    Valerie for sure. Her voice actress absolutely nailed it, killer work.

  20. KuroRyuSama

    It’s been done before in a little known game called Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.

  21. Arbenger92

    The next Cyberpunk game should reference them as twins , and there should be an entire side story quest about them

  22. Bulky_Sugar1347

    Yo my Valerie is hot af, never played Vince before

  23. Drewdiniskirino

    Not me, writing a fanfic where it’s just the events of the game, but Vincent and Valerie are both real, are siblings who become known as “the V Twins”, and canonically come from the Nomad/Streetkid life paths reapectively

  24. jubmille2000

    Oh god now I am imagine the V Twins! And the relic contains Johnny and Morgan (they’re BOTH be dead now), and you can choose from either of them.

    Because I played my femV as a gremlin, I am going to make male V the classy one of the two.

    Imagine they’re competing on hitting up girls in the club, Vincent pulls up to one at a bar, carefully chats them up, and then Val jumps in with a, “Hey girl, forget my gonk brother, wanna delta and come to my place?” and it just ruins both their chances.

    in one mission, they’re at the front of the gate. Vincent goes, “I looked at the their cams, place’s heavily guarded AND armed. But we’ll have a small 30s window of opportunity one mome-” and Valeria jumps off a van, and air dashes towards the nearest guard while yelling, “LET’S FUCKING GO!!!!!!”

  25. BruiserBison

    If we have both Vincent and Valerie co-existing, would they share an apartment or will they live apart? I figured they’d be running gigs independently and only working together with Jackie and T-bug on more serious biz, but still count each other’s share separately.

  26. CosmicSiren19

    I’ve done a Valerie playthrough and I’m currently on a Vincent playthrough. I love them both. The voice actors did great.

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