I know I’m not good, but did I… Did I just get merc’d 8 times by bots?!?!

I was half confused how the 3 that killed me seemed like bots, had bot guns/skins, moved like bots, but didn't have what people say are bot names. Did I just get 8 deaths from bots???


  1. FourUnderscoreExKay

    Tell me, TiMi. How the fuck is this acceptable? How does this make the game fun?

  2. Maybethiswillbegood

    I’ve never ever said this… But bots are actually OP now… I see them doing shit like wall peeking… Jumping out of the corner and one tapping you on the head… Sliding and pre aiming… Waiting behind a cover and killing you immediately as you rush… They are literally better than most of my random teammates. All this is pretty crazy… but still somehow… The bots that join my team are still the old noob bots with zero aim and zero movement.

  3. Tamriel-Chad-420

    Playing Free For All to grind Diamond is a pain in the ass due to the KRM Bot. That mofo goes batshit insane and one taps everyone it sees. It happens very rarely, but at times I have to struggle to keep up with KRM bots because they just go on a killing spree which leads to them getting 1st place.

  4. Ecstatic_Scholar_846

    I’ve learned they get more broken the more your trying like I had one more shot before a nuke got hit halfway across the map by a bot with a shotgun

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