
Some games can be like that

Some games can be like that


  1. I had a struggle with Witcher 3 for sure, it feels to me like it is dragging on for ever, but I finished it and I liked it

  2. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla was a real struggle to finish. It is just too long and huge.

  3. albionstrike

    Was definitely that way in ff7 rebirth

    By time I got through cosmo canyon I was ready for it to end

  4. Zombie_joseph1234

    Any Ubisoft game in the past few years

  5. YaBoiGabe1890

    im not trying to be that guy but……the last of us 2 lol

    it went on too long thats all im saying. i thought it was over at one point and it kept going and i was like “oh we’re still playing????”

  6. darth__sidious

    Once i got to the temple in ff7 rebirth, I lost all motivation.

  7. I felt this with rdr2. I loved the first game but that one felt just a bit short. But when the 2nd came out i had to take a break after the guarma bit before finishing it.

  8. FullMetalDegenerate

    Recently platted AC Valhalla. The game after a certain point felt more like a chore than anything else. Combat was fun but it didn’t make up for the uninteresting story and lackluster side quests.

  9. OkAnimator101

    Definitely felt that way going through HoS

  10. finnjakefionnacake

    me with baldur’s gate 3. fantastic game. act 3 went on *way* too long / the game was way too backloaded lol.

  11. LawfulGoodCorgi

    RDR 2 and TLoU 2. Was so sick of them, but had to slough through because i hate having unfinished games on my list.

  12. BringMeBurntBread

    I had this problem with the Witcher 3 as well, because it really is an extremely long game. I dumped like 60 hours into the game before I even found Ciri, and apparently that’s not even halfway through the game.

    Great game, I enjoyed it. But holy shit is it a long one, especially if you’re doing all the side content as you go.

  13. Dany_Targaryenlol

    On the other hand you got your $70 or whatever you paid for the game worth.

    Better a good game that “drag on for too long” than a good game that you can finish in 15 – 20 hours for me at least.

    Witcher 3 is a perfect example of this for me.

  14. sanguwan

    This was Control for me. I loved it and ran around doing/getting everything. Then when I finally made it to the “end” the game felt like it started all over again (with that whole dream office worker bit). After that I got bored fast and never finished it.

  15. Ravensqueak

    Both Horizon games.
    Fantastic games, just… oddly too long for me.
    And I like long games. There’s just not really any innovation or novelty beyond a certain point.

  16. GhostofGrimalkin

    Mashing the Space Bar/X button to get through those loooong cutscenes.

  17. newcolour

    The last of us part 2 was that for me. It went on for ever and ever, Jesus.

  18. Goldeneye0X1_


    You beat the final boss, and there’s like two-thirds of a game left.

  19. Stas-Aleksandr

    Plague tail was this game for me. I got so bored of it and it still was going and going. I eventually dropped it


    Alien Isolation. It’s one of the horror greats but the pacing issues make it a drag to play.

  21. DarkMatterFemboy

    I should go off and save the village….. But wanna play a round of gwent?

  22. PincheNano

    How i felt after playing the first level of the witcher

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