Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Anyone else have an off meta weapon as their top one?

I try to be peaceful and only use the AMAX/MP5/Val/725/M4A1 if absolutely necessary


  1. Public_Literature809

    Edit: pretty frequently do I switch to a meta weapon because that’s just the state of the game from my experience

  2. ZooterTheWooter

    Bizon was a meta gun for a while because of its low recoil high damage and large mag. Gun was abused in domination and hard point for a while

  3. Contrafox97

    I miss the pre “no-stock” nerf bizon 🙁

  4. AUG and M13 were used religiously. I pulled out the 9mm M4 when people were pissing me off. The VAL if they were real trashy

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