Daily Simple Questions Thread – August 10, 2024

Got a simple question? Get a simple answer!

This thread is for all of the small and simple questions that you might have about computing that probably wouldn't work all too well as a standalone post. Software issues, build questions, game recommendations, post them here!

For the sake of helping others, please don't downvote questions! To help facilitate this, comments are sorted randomly for this post, so that anyone's question can be seen and answered.

If you're looking for help with picking parts or building, don't forget to also check out our builds at https://www.pcmasterrace.org/

Want to see more Simple Question threads? Here's all of them for your browsing pleasure!


  1. ElusiveClone

    Hi guys, I haven’t been following the big Intel problem so I’m asking here.
    I have a i9 13900k, currently having no issue of what was documented. Is there any fix to prevent failures?(If so, if you can link a guide).
    And, is there a ways to know if my cpu is affected?
    (PC gets very light gaming, so I don’t think I stress in any unusual way my CPU)

  2. Leopixel1

    Hello I’ve finished building my PC, but I connected my pump to the SYS_OPT port because the SYS_Pump port was too far away. Will the pump still work with the quiet profile? That is, without a custom profile?

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