Cyberpunk 2077

Expectation vs. Reality: Futuristic Car Designs

Expectation vs. Reality: Futuristic Car Designs


  1. Maelstrom-Brick

    I don’t think tesla vehicles look futuristic, I think they they look bland and cheap, lol.

    Hell, the cybertruck looks like a project some kid did in a grade 10 shop class with sheet metal laying around. In person, it looks even more atrocious 🤢

  2. supercyberlurker

    People need to stop being so mean about the cybertruck.

    It’s still loading IRL, we just see the low-rez version. Give the asset time to stream in.

    I’m sure it will eventually.

  3. Not to mention the interiors, I want this game’s car interiors, not giant tablets with little to no physical buttons

  4. Grater_Kudos

    Tbh I like the second one on the left by far and the third on the right

  5. Mark-Bot

    Third one on the left, a drivable mouse would be funny as hell.

  6. Valaxarian

    Cyberpunk cars are cool af

    I only wish they were symmetrical

  7. BringMeBurntBread

    To be fair, the cars on the right don’t even look futuristic either lol

    They just look like old American cars from the 80s. People don’t actually want futuristic cars. They want retro cars, with hints of futuristic sprinkled on top.


    buy a 70s mustang or a porsche 944 or old corvette

  9. an1ma119

    The bottom left has me wondering when the Angel Invasion alert from Eva is going to go off

  10. scraverX

    Cyberpunk cars are not “technically” modern or futuristic.

    The design language of many of them is based solidly in the 70’s, 80’s and perhaps 90’s.

    Further, many of the cars we see in the game are 20 to 30 year old models and there are very few actual new models being produced in the gameverse at the point in time the game is set.

  11. JJisafox

    I mean, I get your point, but there’s nothing really “cyberpunk” about the game cars. They have an old car aesthetic, that just *seems* “futuristic” because it’s a new design to us, not because anything about the design is inherently futuristic. No one’s going to ask for a concept of a “car of the future” to just get some old looking car retrofitted with new interior tech, most people will want to see something starkly different more like the designs on the left.

  12. Coyotesamigo

    Most of the cars in CP77 feel like they’re based on what a futuristic car looked like in 1983

  13. Alicewilsonpines

    what is that car on the bottom left?

  14. aratheroversizedfish

    I just want V’s Archer Hella. Imagine having a car that lasts forever. I’m too young to have lived in the years of cars lasting.

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