[COD] I think I know why Treyarch hasn’t called James C. Burns back.

This is not an attack on his personal beliefs nor is it meant to start any political discussion. Whichever way you see it, these are obviously controversial takes and it’s all over his public X profile.

No wonder Treyarch hasn’t called him back despite him expressing interest in working for them again. This man desperately needs a PR Manager.


  1. RYTEK115

    I always wondered why they never brought him back. I’d say you’re probably right, Treyarch wouldn’t want this associated with them.

  2. Like, i’m not interested in American politics much, but Treyarch not bringing someone back over his own political views which may not be extremist shows how much you can’t really have a opinion

    Edit: Getting downvoted, looks like i am right.

  3. Jerrygarciasnipple

    You know damn well woods would be EXACTLY like this irl too 😂😂

  4. Necessary_Public_177

    Eh Treyarch isn’t missing out

  5. BoxOfMyst3riez

    I always find that map picture funny cause it implies that all the empty/loosely populated red areas are filled with people.

  6. LazarouDave

    Fuck sake James, why you gotta do this fella, just outed yourself as a bellend.

    You could say “separate the art from the artist” but a large company may not want to tie themselves to anyone outspoken on either side

  7. DivineAlmond

    Lol meanwhile the other side can say whatever they want

    The tide will change at some point!:)

  8. ImNotHighFunctioning

    >This is not an attack on his personal beliefs

    He retweeted Libs of TikTok. Fuck his personal beliefs and fuck him.

    Onion Woods FTW.

  9. ChungusCoffee

    Because they can’t separate reality from fiction anymore. Boomers took over all forms of business. No real gun names was just the beginning

  10. AnonyMouse3925

    This guy also told a WILD ass lie about being stabbed by his dad with a steak knife when he was a kid, like maybe 12. So he ran into the woods and ‘Rambo style’ stitched himself back together and lived there for a few days

  11. FEARoperative4

    To be fair, new actor for Woods at least tried to match the voice.

  12. EnjoyerOfMales

    Cabal of the democrat elite:


    (Idk I’m not American)

  13. InvestmentOk7181

    One day he’ll learn how population density works. Oh well

  14. Markz1337

    General PR advice is to never tout political stuff unless you swing the other way. In general, just dont.

  15. LordBungaIII

    This entire comment section is delusional, good lord. Get a grip, people

  16. ttltaway

    “Nescient,” that’s quite a vocab word

  17. Responsible-Pause752

    There are no red states, just large cornfields trying to tell us what god to worship

  18. TastyLui

    He was on the PKA podcast a while ago telling bullshit stories that got called out lol

  19. What are we supposed to have a one party state in America? Developers have crazy left wing takes on twitter all the time and they don’t get fired. Seems like the “democracy” party only allows certain viewpoints.

  20. xdforcezz

    No clue who any of these people are, and I dont think i want to either.

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