
Warner Bros. Discovery Earnings Reports Reveals ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Caused A 41% Loss In Video Game Revenue

Warner Bros. Discovery Earnings Reports Reveals ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Caused A 41% Loss In Video Game Revenue


  1. B12C10X8

    Batman probably laughing beyond the grave somewhere

  2. Notmymain2639


  3. oandakid718

    Lmao when you couple this with the latest earnings report that came out, where it basically says that WB is broke and CNN is worthless, it’s really nice for the company to admit basically what they’ve been hiding and what we all already know.

  4. They really tried to force that one through, even though everyone was telling them it either looked bad or it was just not something they wanted to play…

  5. oupheking

    Make good games and these problems won’t happen as much

  6. redvelvetcake42

    You coulda done Batman Beyond in a similar vein to Arkham but noooooooooo

  7. RadRhubarb00

    Crazy. Just because you make a video game doesn’t mean people will play it.

  8. DarwinGoneWild

    Kinda misleading. Obviously Suicide Squad was DOA but the decline in revenue is just compared to last year when the Harry Potter game sold like gangbusters. This year was going to be down no matter what they came out with.

  9. Another_Road

    I hope other companies learn from this mistake.

  10. kerorobot

    And they still want to do hogwarts squads lol

  11. Starblast16

    I’m starting to think they’re doing this shit on purpose.

  12. Fun_Back_6999

    Make a bad game with no cares, buy up front profit. Cries when bad game doesn’t make money..

  13. Chakramer

    Live service doesn’t work with established characters, your player character needs to be yourself

  14. Flimsy-Jello5534

    Suicide Squad: Kill Warner Bros. Is an absolute 10/10 banger

  15. TheManicac1280

    The impact incompetent leadership can have on a huge company and a massively successful IP.

  16. Kynandra

    I’m salty because WB shut down RoosterTeeth so I’m not sympathetic to their other garbage decisions.

  17. AceSkyFighter

    Imagine the money they could of made if they went with a legit Superman game, or Batman (Beyond) Arkham game. The winning formula was there all along, and they skipped it for this, this garbage. It’s all so tiresome.

  18. No_Sail_6576

    Times like this I wish I could comment gifs

    (Insert friends phoebe “this is brand new information!”)

  19. Batmanmotp2019

    Yay. They deserve to lose every penny

  20. PanglosstheTutor

    I had a thought about a suicide squad game. They either have a list of a bunch of c-list villains or you get to make your own. Then you get thrown at helldiversesque missions with other players and if you get smoked you get another character. But I guess they want to use characters people know.

  21. BiplaneAlpha

    People. Do. Not. Want. Games. As. A. Service.

  22. This is the problem when you start developing a game that will take years based on CURRENT trends in the industry. Your game is almost guaranteed to be dated and out of fashion by release.

  23. Story driven characters and IP rarely make for good GAS. People wanted more Arkham, not that burning garbage pile that got dropped from the ass of special needs hellhound.

    You want to make money off DC video games? Make good, story based games around popular characters. Offer multiplayer as an option if the game setting allows for it. The Suicide Squad EASILY could have been used for a mission based character action game where you pick a squad of characters, complete a mission, hang out with your crew, and repeat. Aka, Mass Effect with DC villains.

  24. killbauer

    “How can this possibly be?! Our excel sheets clearly stated otherwise!! …We should definitely replace the developer team!”

  25. DarkBomberX

    I expect Multiversus to also contribute to their loses.

  26. That’s karma for promising the last Hobbit movie would be released as a Lego Hobbit DLC and not following up, resulting in an incomplete game with broken promises.

    Also fuck Multiversus.

  27. SuburbanCumSlut

    A Suicide Squad game should’ve been an easy slam dunk. It took a special combination of greed and stupidity to fuck it up so badly.

  28. darthbiscuit

    Warner bros: “Hey, we need a new game idea. What you got?”

    Developer: “How about a grim-dark game where you violently kill some of the most beloved characters in fiction while making snarky comments and even piss on the corpse of potentially the most wholesome of these.”

    Wb: “sounds terrible!”

    D: “Also, it’ll feature the last appearance of the Arkham Series Batman, voiced by the late Kevin Conroy for a final time, who will also die like a bitch to be used as bait for Superman.”

    Wb: “Why would we release something like that!?”

    D: “We believe 14 year old boys will buy it because they wanna fuck the clown girl.”

    Wb: “… Green light. WCGW?”

  29. QuestPlease

    They were warned and didn’t listen.
    Fuck em.

  30. DXbreakitdown

    Who knew offering a live service game where you get to play as characters no one asked for with the objective being to kill characters people would rather play as wouldn’t be a hit?

    DC needs to stop trying to make Suicide Squad happen.

  31. Beagle_Regality

    Should’ve just made the rocksteady superman game the fans were hoping for.

  32. Meanwhile, WB executives: “and I’ll fucking do it again”

  33. furezasan

    Some CEO probably still getting a bonus somehow out of this

  34. GeneralIronsides2

    But guys you don’t understand! We have to kill Arkham Batman and we have to throw away all the characterization of the Arkham games, adding Harley Quinn in, and make it a shitty wacky live service model! It’s the only way!!!!!

  35. I guess they should have shelved it like Batgirl lol

  36. inquisitive_tortoise


  37. Sprinkle_Puff

    Zaslav should win awards for how much he destroyed a company

  38. raz0rbl4d3

    so instead of laying off workers that didn’t actually get to make creative decisions, they’re going to cut executive pay and refocus on creating IP that people actually want to play?

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