
Indie devs really forget about the CRT fuzz

Indie devs really forget about the CRT fuzz


  1. RetroSwamp

    But this isn’t the game development fault so technically indie devs are correct.

  2. Nabrok_Necropants

    i like the high res with low res stuff. hammerwatch 2 does a pretty good job with blending modern lighting with pixel art.

  3. Chariously

    I like how its become a genre of its own for games to be retro-like visually while being all articulate and animated frame-by-frame to detail.

  4. GloatingSwine

    Unfortunately every CRT filter looks shit.

  5. D-camchow

    depends on your tv and connections. There are some OK crt filters out there but most of them are hit or miss.

  6. DriversValhalla

    You can install ReShade and apply a CRT filter. Some Indie games do include a CRT filter in the graphics settings.

  7. WashombiShwimp

    Ever since Arin from Game Grumps pointed out in their Zelda 2 playthrough that Link looks like he has a sideways face(sideburn looking like his left eye), I can’t look at this the same 😂

    [here]( for those that want to see it @4:10

  8. When I look back at the games that played, I thought the graphics were great, but when I do play them again they look 10x worse but still has fun.

  9. mturkA234

    I don’t think anyone here has actually seen what nes or snes looked like on tv. Looked great pretty much the same as you would see on an emulator. Where as the indy game developers use the same crappy game engines that make everything look like cut outs.

  10. bombatomba69

    Hell, I forget about the CRT fuzz sometimes. What’s important though, is the *quality* of the CRT fuzz. I have a 2003-ish consumer JVC TV that I bought specifically for my game area, and while it’s not one of those crazy CRTs, it does look very nice even on composite. It’s not as dreamy as PS2 games through component on my 36″ flat screen Zenith, but it is nice.

    Now take the old ass Sony with push button channels that died about fifteen years ago. It straight up looked that picture on the right when sitting up close. But, that’s how we played them.

  11. Artistic_Worker_5138

    I still want to wipe the tv screen first and feel that static on my hand. Can we get that back as well?

  12. SjurEido

    I don’t use pixel art in games because I think it looks retro, I do it because I don’t want to fuck with 3d modeling…

  13. ZylonBane

    If you had a Trinitron tube TV and an S-Video or SCART hookup, you could get a pretty damn sharp picture.

    Basically much of what people call CRT filters are actually RF modulation filters.

  14. keeperkairos

    Games with pixel art in a 3D environment with a lighting engine do a good job of avoiding the inherent harshness of pixel art without anything like a CRT filter. Octopath Traveler for example.

  15. CincyBrandon

    Unpopular opinion, I don’t get the allure of CRT filters. It’s like playing a 1080 resolution game at 720, you’re just losing clarity. 🤷‍♂️

  16. SilentHillDude

    It’s not really the developers’ fault though, they can’t account for every user’s equipment.

  17. zebrasmack

    Except for the gameboy line. They used lcd and look just like the one on the left. This contributed a great deal to the perception as well, and is just as valid.

    but for specific games, like your example? absolutely correct.

  18. Guardian_85

    Some of them make a game with an option to turn a CRT filter on/off.

  19. mighty_mag

    Recently I got TMNT Cowabunga Collection and I love that there are many options of filter.

    I think every retro game should come with such feature. I understand people who want a sharper image, but I really appreciate the option.

  20. Cloud_N0ne

    Sure, and it would be nice to have a CRT fuzz filter, but the high res pixel art still looks good

  21. one-trick-hamster

    The pixel art on high resolution modern monitors makes everything look so bad, minecraft ass looking mess.

    So happy I have a crt, get one before they go extinct guys

  22. TryptamineSpark

    Just use a reshade or nvidia gamefilters 🤷🏻‍♂️

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