Call of Duty: Zombies

We’re just about an hour away from the reveal! What are yalls predictions?

We’re just about an hour away from the reveal! What are yalls predictions?


  1. 5E32BOB3

    Expectations are really low after last few games, who knows maybe it’ll look half decent this time around.

  2. idosmellreallygood

    it needs to be at least 10 mins for me

  3. Jamberrs

    This is the most hyped i’ve been since they dropped the BOTD trailer back in 2018 so i’m just hoping they actually live up to the hype.

  4. FishyG23

    Starts with a trailer, then a gameplay overview, and ends with a Liberty Falls teaser

  5. Rlucio2100

    Just hoping for them to mention Double Tap or at least hear the jingle to know it’s coming back during the reveal.

  6. tatertot225

    Hoping I have internet at home tonight, but unlike 71% of people who are active on the sub, I’m stoked. I think they put a lot of time and thought into bo6 zombies

  7. ItsShake4ndbake

    Pretty excited, I remember the Cold War Reveal day we got a REALLY in-depth video along with the blog post. So far the leaks seem to be taking a lot of cold war stuff and fixing/adding to it as its successor. Lots of folks didnt like the hand holding/clustered HUD and rumored that can be taken away and customized. Two maps at launch (maybe even outbreak too) solves a huge problem CW had with just ONE and then AGES before Outbreak and FBZ. Just need them to focus on making it fun, and fresh but keeping the core of what makes zombies so good and made CW a solid year but could have been even better if not for world circumstances

  8. Azuma1996

    Cautiously optimistic, really hope it’s good. Hope we get a good look at new ww, new enemies, and environments. Fingers crossed this year will be the year for zombies! 🤞

  9. SpLaShAtv

    Guided/Story mode is gonna be kinda weird. A round 15 cap is odd to me, and I don’t really see anybody playing Guided mode as no one really wants to play on an easy difficulty. I really hope that the two modes aren’t basically high-round vs. easter-egg, because sometimes a map can be enhanced by doing its easter-egg, and that makes high-rounds more fun (i.e. Origins, Shadows, DE, ZNS, etc.).

    New movement in Zombies is gonna redefine training. The game will either be incredibly easy to train or it will be super frustrating, depending on how they make the zombies track the new movement. I could see a resurgence to camping like with FireRing in Cold War.

    Liberty Falls will likely be an operator only map, considering all of our playable characters are in Terminus. Unless they do a new cast of random people (which I don’t seem them doing if they already have the operator system in place).

    Melee Macchiato will be useless/niche like all of the other melee based perks. It really just doesn’t work if you make a perk for a specific type of weapon. That’d be like if you made “LMG Lager” that just buffed LMGs.

    Much more boss enemies. I think all of the previous boss zombies will return, and at least 5 more will be added throughout the game’s life. The rounds’ difficulty will be pretty much all boss zombies, and by the later rounds it will be almost unbearable. However, this leads me to my next point.

    High rounds will see a huge comeback. Depending on how the one mode works, many people will be pushed to try for high rounds by playing that mode, and depending on how the “save game” feature works, there could be people who might be able to play “forever” and get to absurdly high rounds (1000+).

    By far, I think this game will be easier than ever. I just really hope that they make the easter-eggs more challenging since they are dedicating a whole new mode for them.

  10. Snowman1749

    Man of course I gotta work during reveal

  11. BB-56_Washington

    My expectations are to be disappointed with yet another game that’s bastardized to sell more warzone.

  12. razza_fps

    So hyped right now! Been blasting out some Black Ops 3 Zombies with the boys recently to prepare for Black Ops 6 – cannot wait for this reveal!

  13. Ngl I’m so fucking excited


  14. Wooden_Gas1064

    Cold War was undercooked, released with 1 map and only had 4 in total. They only had less than a year and where just thrown in there becuase Sledgehammer messed up.

    But they’re already launching with 2maps, they’ve had 4years for this. They seemed to be listening to community feedback. So I would describe myself as hopefully optimistic

  15. ShaoKahnIsLife

    Really hyped, i liked what i’ve seen so far, and they seem to have learned from CW as Terminus really has an horror ambience, can’t wait to see Liberty Falls and Wonder Weapons

  16. NYG_2020

    Low expectations. Probably going to be more like Cold War than anything else.

  17. ApolloRT

    It seems like a CW copy so i have zero expectations. CW zombies is not it.

  18. JetebraGames

    Give me my crappy starting pistol at round 1.

  19. AwesomArcher8093

    Low expectations, everything I’ve seen so far seems TOO good to be true.

    Like what is activision/Treyarch hiding?

  20. A brief appearance of a wonder weapon in the box

  21. Photonforce

    Garbage. More of CW, if that floats your boat. I’m not into the whole “warzone” style of zombies CW implemented. It’s fine if other people enjoy it.

    But to me that game comes across as just a copy paste of existing mechanics. 

  22. I-wanna-fuck-SCP1471

    Where will it be watchable? I checked the COD youtube channel but don’t see a premiere or anything.

  23. SortaRaygun

    Zombies blood syringe revealed, new perks effects are demonstrated, reintroduced love craft themed boss enemy’s, highlights new weather, and showcases the new wonder weapon just like the reveal on the giant trailer with quote plus wonderwaffe shot. But most importantly the whole reveal will be heavily aesthetically themed just like shadows. No liberty falls reveal.

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