
Borderlands is failing already.

Who woulda thought that the Borderlands movie would be failing already when Eli was okay with moving away from canon and not making a movie for gamers ….when it’s about Video Games. I don’t know why Hollywood struggles with this so much. Just because you slap big names actors on it ≠ blockbuster.


  1. Texas_sucks15

    This movie is a clear sign that Hollywood doesn’t know gamers. Oscar winners doesn’t always mean success. Plus I’m sick of Kevin hart. And honestly, I don’t even know why Boarderlands was selected for a movie adaptation. There’s so many other game plot lines that are substantially better.

  2. I feel like borderlands didn’t even have the stronger story anyway; half the characters I’ve encountered in them are just straight fucking annoying and I never would want to see a movie about it ever.

    Fun games tho

  3. OrangeYawn

    This shits been happening forever.

    I’m still pissed about Resident Evil movies.

    They just take a franchise that has a built in audience, use the name to create a pile of shit ran through corporate filters designed to appeal to the most and offend the least.

    It’s not art anymore, it sucks.

  4. Illustrious-Joke9615

    I watched a trailer where they made a joke about Roland (Kevin hart) being short. 

    Roland isn’t short, at all. He’s kinda tall actually. 

  5. 54sharks40

    Just give me a new game, not some cgi-fest with Kevin Hart ffs

  6. When will the message sink in that the shows and movies that stick close to the source are successfully and the ones which deviate are always awful. 

    Look at the difference between Halo and Last of Us for a perfect example.

    Hell, Last of Us did change one or two things but they made sure it wasn’t in such a way that is makes it stupid.

  7. BuyerOfCoins

    It’s a real shame though, it could have been so good. They just HAD to cast actors that don’t know anything about the game and are just there for the gimmick – Kevin Hart I’m looking at you

    Besides that, not sure if Borderlands would be movie-able either way.

  8. Independent_Tooth_23

    I mean dude, it’s from Eli Roth lol. I expect it to be bad considering that the director and writer is him. The guy is not known for making good quality films.

  9. Buckle_Sandwich

    Was anyone seriously expecting this movie to not be a pile of shit?

  10. lpjunior999

    It’d be kind of funny to see all the critics who were writing about “comic book movies are dead, video game adaptations are king” have to write thinkpieces about this movie after it bombs and “Deadpool and Wolverine” crosses a billion. Just make good movies. 

  11. Shattered_Disk4

    I hope Randy Pitchford is ousted from the company.

  12. 3WayIntersection

    This movie has exactly 2 good qualities: the visuals are pretty decent, and jack black

  13. Odd_Advance_6438

    The production of this movie was a huge mess. It was shot back in 2021, and has undergone so many reshoots without even Eli Roth doing them that the original writer wants his name taken off the credits

    In the time this movies been in post production, Eli went on to write, shoot, edit, and release Thanksgiving

    Also I don’t have a ton of evidence for this theory, but it seems as though the movie was supposed to be R originally and the reshoots are what made it Pg 13. I saw a quote where Eli Roth described it as super violent. Getting Roth for a movie like Borderlands is already weird, but to get for a Pg 13 borderlands originally is even crazier. His whole thing is making super gory splatter films

    What’s a bummer is I watched the behind the scenes video, and a lot of the cast and crew seemed to be legitimately pretty passionate about making the movie

  14. No-Grass9261

    Honestly, honestly, it comes down to like the video game industry and how Matt Damon put it for the movie industry.

    The way Matt worded it was as such. Movies don’t go on DVD anymore really to wear the masses by them. So even if you didn’t make all of your money back on the production of the film at the theaters you still had a really good shot six months later with another cash boost From the movie being bought. 

    That is not a thing anymore so now you kinda have to make these cookie cutter low risk movies that you know will turn a profit even if they’re not incredible/innovative/unique/ an original thought. Like you couldn’t make Goodwill hunting and have it be profitable. The Shawshank redemption. Anyone of these comedies like wedding crashers, super troopers, super bad, etc.

    Now that doesn’t mean I’m condoning any of this. I hate the lack of innovation and people willing to take risks in the gaming industry that things are just boring and vanilla. Look what happened when Microsoft got a hold of bungie/343 and was now in the driver seat of halo.

  15. Odd-Collection-2575

    I’m excited…

    To watch YouTube reviews absolutely dunking on this film

  16. blazinfire11

    I dont give a shit whst anyone says. Detective Pikachu is the best movie based on a video game world imo

  17. K1ngDulah

    I saw Eli say he never played the game and someone explained it to him for the movie. Like why wouldn’t play the game your making a movie about?

  18. almightyolive

    I have lived my whole life in the bliss of not knowing this movie existed.

    I revelled in the forbidden fruits of reddit, and now I am tainted by knowledge.

    I yearn for the simpler times, when I knew not the horrors that befell the world

  19. Alenonimo

    I remember being a big Borderlands franchise fan, but I fizzled out real fast when I played Borderlands 3. I can’t bring myself to care for this movie.

    I dunno what happened. It was so much fun before.

  20. kinlopunim

    I dont know why its a bunch of actors 40+.
    Did they signe everyone one when the first game releeased? Ther should be younger actors that have mass appeal, or an unknown that needs a break.

  21. MRflibbertygibbets

    It was terrible and I regret spending $12 on a ticket, but thankfully not quite as bad as I’d imagined

  22. Soontobebanned86

    We already knew it would flop hard.

  23. Ornery-Cat-4865

    The casting is atrocious anyway. Two OAPs playing characters half their age, and fucking Kevin Hart.

  24. Kiyohara

    Unpopular Opinion it seems, but: it looks okay to me. It’s a bit wild, very weird, and has whacky over the top stunts. That feels like very single Borderlands game to me.

    Sure the casting isn’t exactly who I’d choose: the idea of Kevin Hart as a rough, tough badass is hilarious to me as he’s basically evolved his brand as both a Stand Up comedian and a Movie Star as the “frail weak guy that blunders through the plot and needs constant saving.” Kind of like deciding to cast Pew Wee Herman as a Superhero.

    Although, that *did* work. Mystery Men was a fun and silly movie.

    So I’m willing to give this the benefit of the doubt. All it needs to have decent jokes, good action scenes, and be fun to watch.

  25. WeirdBoy85

    I mean I am not agist or anything but most of the cast are waaaaaaay too old for the characters they are playing. I love all if those actors but most of them were horribly miscast.

  26. Howitzeronfire

    I dont get it why after all these years, movie producers still decide to move away from the source material.

    1. If the source material is what made the IP succesful, why do you think your changes to it will make it better?

    2. Plenty of examples of movies/series that stuck to source and were good and ones that changed and were bad, and very very few that were the opposite.

    I get that producers want to reach a broader audience and make more money, but its know that changing the source material will kill the movie.

    I really dont get if its hubris or plain incompetence.

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