Call of Duty: Zombies

I just recently did my first solo easter egg and…

I just recently did my first solo easter egg and…

1 Comment

  1. Maximus0066

    for context: Me and my buddy Eric are trying to do IW and BO3 super Easter Eggs. He is a wizard when it comes to them and just ends up pulling me along whenever we do a map. I decided that I would choose a map that I would accomplish SOLO with no help.

    It just so happened that we finished DE and so the next map would be Zetsubou. I honestly had a very good time learning the map, feeling the flow of the steps (even if it was just pick up this piece). Zetsubou was a literal easter egg hunt and I appreciate that for the map.

    While it is nowhere even close to Shadows, Origins, or Der Eisendrache, it’ll always have a special place in my heart.

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