
Battling with Unity daily

Battling with Unity daily


  1. Glum_You5922

    This game looks good, I’d like to buy a copy when it comes out

  2. LaserGadgets

    Making games is hard work, keep going dude. Looks great so far!

  3. torgian11

    Looks good. See hot girl, freezes up, and can’t walk right afterwards.

  4. LeCapitaineHaddock

    what kind of pathetic botting attempt is this to garner interest?

  5. thinmonkey69

    I know the pain.

    Let’s add a simple thing, a few lines of code, what could go wrong?


    A few hours later you try a workaround, something else but equally straightforward.

    Does not work either.

  6. I_Killeed_Koro

    ‘You know, I’ve had a long day. I’m not going to fix that.’

    That’s a great line.

    lAso, that’s a great trailer.

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