Cyberpunk 2077

Fuckin-A chooms first corpo war is about to begin

Fuckin-A chooms first corpo war is about to begin


  1. Lopsided_Newt_5798

    Yeah that’ll get them to give him money.

  2. Sirfury8

    Elon Musk is the type of gonk that would have killed Silverhand and bragged about it.

  3. Imagine officially declaring war over twitter ads

  4. xdeltax97

    It would be terrifying if he renamed SpaceX into Orbital Air and then the USSR partially reformed while SovOil pops up…. Since that’s the first Corpo War.

    Speaking of which I recommend you guys check out the lore if you haven’t.

    Anyway, fuck corpos.

  5. magnaton117

    Yall think we can get this mf to act like Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2?

  6. starfruit_enjoyer

    this has nothing to do with cyberpunk my dude. go literally anywhere else to post about this loser

  7. LibraPugLove

    I look at him and all i see is Saburo Arasaka

  8. MasterAnnatar

    Dude gives off Jeb Bush “please clap” energy.

  9. Confused_Sorta_Guy

    Capitalist angry that capitalism functions as proposed. Damn crazy.

  10. ScrappleBerrySneech

    Can someone working at X please just go full martyr and tire iron the shit out of this guy?

  11. gustygardens

    Remember when he was so upset that Grimes was in the game and he wasn’t, so he hauled his ass to the recording session and demanded they put him in it. What a loser.

    This guy is a no talent leech that makes his money off the backs of others, and never does anything himself other than whine on twitter. It’s so embarrassing when I see people looking up to this joke.

  12. ProtoReaper23113

    What’s funny is he threatened them with a RICO case

    Which is what he’s doing by threating and blackmailing them so they have to give him money

  13. BabyBread11

    Oh god the last thing we need is Musk going full Saburo and living 100 something years past his lifetime…. And even THEN still not dying when he’s dead.

  14. He would look more intimidating without the lazy eye and funny voice

  15. Tells Advertisers to “Fuck off”, cries when advertisers actually leave.

  16. YamsTheRad

    Lmfao what is he gonna do? Block them from advertising on Twitter?

  17. Dude started to turn Twitter into second 4chan and now cries that people don’t want advertise their shit under deluge of Holocaust denial and racial slurs.

  18. KingOfPocketLint

    This is kinda like the random weird kid that runs crying to the teacher whining about you won’t let them play with you and your friends at recess.

  19. Bubbaganewsh

    It isn’t really a war when we already know Elon is going to lose, not that it will ever get to a courtroom.

  20. Mary_Ellen_Katz

    God, like everything, the real life version is so much dumber than the Cyberpunk versions. Mike’s vision was sexy, and bloody. Our reality is moronic, and dull.

  21. BreadBoxin

    Dude is just asking to get Saburo Arasaka’d at this point.

  22. ElmoTickleTorture

    I don’t think the cyber trucks are gonna do well in war

  23. beckychao

    I don’t think losing a frivolous lawsuit counts as a war

    It’s like his “graveyard” full of his “enemies”: delusional talk, by a guy who thinks paying other people to invent things means he invented them

  24. KrasnyRed5

    It’s not a real war until black ops teams are kicking in boardroom doors and hosing people down.

  25. GiftFromGlob

    Wake the fuck up samurai, we gotta go protest on social media and shit to stop the Corpos from being mean to each other on social media!

  26. Jung3boy

    Elon. Threats are a really great way to encourage advertising isn’t it. Smart move especially when technically companies can choose to advertise wherever they want.

  27. DeLindsayGaming

    Isn’t this from like a year ago? And iirc, it didn’t work out too well for the self proclaimed champion of free speech to try and force Companies to Advertise when it’s THEIR freedom of speech to choose not to.

  28. thedeathmachine

    Such a clown. No more Elon, no more Trump please for the love of God make them go away

  29. LivingEnd44

    Attacking potential advertisers is a fantastic way to grow your platform. He’s such a genius. 

  30. Comfortable_Farm_252

    Surely this war will get them to advertise on your platform.

  31. The more power he tries to display the more power he loses… it’s weird. He keeps trying to make people pick a side and it keeps resulting in people picking the OTHER side. He’s got only edgelords now.

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