
Final official statement from Game Informer’s now-former Editor-In-Chief.

Final official statement from Game Informer’s now-former Editor-In-Chief.


  1. darko_mrtvak

    Godspeed to the entire team and Matthew! Nothing but immense thanks to all of them 

  2. skptcl_blvr

    I don’t know if I’m the only one, but the last decade has seen my actual playing time go down significantly—I mean only several hours a month. But the one constant has been the joy of reading Game Informer to stay connected to the world that gave me so much in my childhood. 

    Thank you, Matt and co. I’ll miss this portal into my youth. That consistency in tone is what kept me coming back so many years later. 

  3. poofyDapyro

    I was so sad when I read that it was shutting down. Thanks to the GI people for making a great magazine to read at home and while working at Gamestop too!

  4. What_A_Good_Sniff

    GI was such a huge part of my teenage years. Once I got a job, one of the first things I purchased was a subscription to GI. I always looked forward to the newest issue and read the reviews of all the games.

    Thanks for the memories and godspeed on your next adventure.

  5. FloweringSkull67

    Video Games Weekly was a weekly radio show on the sports channel in Minnesota that the EIC of Game Informer would cohost. It was an awesome insight into the video game world. They also had a Board Games Yearly episode that was appointment radio. I was sad when they cancelled the show a few years back and knew it was the beginning of the end

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