Ghosts should get a reboot not a sequel [COD]

There's many issues with the first game that won't allow to be part of the unified universe. The first being is that the United States is heavily destroyed, i doubt they'd be sending their troops to Urzikstan in 2019 in response to the Al‐Qatala attacks in Piccadilly Circus as well as responding to the Menendez Attacks, which I'm pretty sure that mission with the drones and madame President are in Los Angeles. Ghosts shows Los Angeles as having been heavily destroyed by its ODIN strikes from the Federation.

Secondly and lastly is that Aliens exist in Ghosts, It be cool having aliens in Modern COD, but I don't think many people would be fond of it since they prefer zombies (even tho is shit) over a new type of survival mode. But who knows, admittedly it be pretty dope to see.

I think they should make it a reboot, even tho we know the risk it'll be at from getting ruined like the rebooted MW series was, a lot of people just wanna see MW be put to rest.

However if Ghosts were to exists in this unified universe, I'd say make it as a spin‐off to Ghost, where he embarks on joining Task Force: STALKER he meets the rebooted versions of Logan, Hesh, Keegan, Merrick, Ajax and Elias. The reasoning? Well, TF141 have been ultimately killed completely, with Price having sacrificed himself to kill Makarov to save Ghost in a battle with the Konni, Urzikstan is liberated once more, Alex died, Farah is the sole protector of her country along with her army, AQ is dissolved, Konni is marked as an international threat by the East and West, etc…So he'd like to embark on a new journey, with a set of new teammates. Rorke would the commander of the Task Force, similar to Shepherd, however is much like the original Shepherd, ruthless, hard, and wants the job done no matter what but is really motivational when needed. Rather than being a villian, he should be a protagonist, with Almagro being the main antagonist of the campaign. Ghost would rise up the ranks in the Task Force paving his way to work alongside Rorke as he feels inspired by him and pushes to be better.

If they wanna follow a similar story with Rorke being brainwashed, then they can do that with Warzone's Lore, the map would be set somewhere in Caracas. In a battle in Caracas, Rorke participates in, gets left behind, but not intentionally

It think a writer would do better than I did with this, but it's just an idea.

1 Comment

  1. tecno-killer

    My first response would have been “both” then i read the whole post and remembered that “reboot” and “remastered” aren’t the same thing so yes. It would be dope… If done correctly.
    We know that this won’t be done correctly IF it’s done at all

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