Of course it was goated in league play, but that's what we had to use for an SMG. In pubs, it has always regularly let me down. It will win you some gunfights you shouldn't have won, but the overall match performance consistently irritates me.
This morning I've only been using the LC10 and 74u. These last 10 games tell a consistent story. The games with a green dot below them are LC10 games, and the games with a red dot below them are 74u games.
I decided to look further. All of the guns I regularly use as full auto share almost the exact same accuracy and head shot percentage. 28-32% accuracy and 8-12% head shot is standard for me. Am I missing shots with the 74u? The data shows that I'm not, and in fact the accuracy and head shots are both in the upper end of all my guns. So what the hell? I personally perform on par with all my other guns and in fact even better than most of them when I use the 74u.
So I looked further. Is it HOW I have to use the 74u to get the most out of it? Mid to long range seems to be the standard here, so maybe that's it considering the 74u doesn't have good damage range. But then there's the Bullfrog. The ranges in which I use the Bullfrog are almost exactly the same as the 74u, and yet it has a significantly better performance at an even 3 KD while not being as accurate and not hitting as many headshots.
I don't know what it is, exactly. But it's just not very good.