
Me right after the game I just bought finishes installing

Me right after the game I just bought finishes installing


  1. duckduckpajamas

    Looking at screenshots and videos and imagining what the game could be is much more appealing than actually playing it

  2. chikenjoe17

    I’ve assumed its a sign of getting older, or yet another fun aspect of depression.

  3. Mastxadow

    Happened today with the Mad Max game, downloaded it, started playing it and after like 1 hours i was bored as hell and stopped playing.

  4. FrierensSupportMimic

    I’m so guilty of doing this lol, this tendency is on par with me restarting a playthrough moments after I finish character creation in rpgs.

  5. kokakolakokako1a

    Happened so many times. Even with skins once you buy them you lose interest

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