Why is he the mvp

Why is he the mvp


  1. DARK_FIRE_202

    I also wanted to say that this is not a one time thing this teammate of ours get the mvp with less kills constantly

  2. once_bought

    It’s not the kills that get you mvp alone. He must’ve done something in round to save a teammate, or something to get more team points

  3. Bluepuck03

    There’s lots more that goes into it. Better gear, better team player, etc.

  4. Kensou099

    Probably he did close combat or good team support.

  5. Wide_Elderberry_2790

    He didint get knocked as much as others or in other words survived the most getting knocked decreases points

  6. Apprehensive_1ce

    The one revive he has was probably one of the other two with higher kills and the other one with two revives was probably to the the third one down

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