
Can you guess which North American City my pixel art animation is based on?

Can you guess which North American City my pixel art animation is based on?


  1. BlueHairedGhost

    New York is too obvious, I’m going with chicago

  2. mocklogic

    Metropolis (1927)

    No wait, that’s a (fake) German city.

  3. This looks so like Metropolis. The original or anime reimagination.

  4. QuantumMechanixZ

    Hmm, it would definitely be a city with a subway of some kind, hence the trains. From previous comments we know it’s not: New York, Seattle, Chicago and Toronto. It’s also likely a real city due to “North American City” being in the title.

    The Sundeer Coffee building looks pretty old, very New York 1920’s Art Deco. Thus is very likely an East Coast/original colony/northeastern City as most skyscrapers in southeastern cities are relatively new.

    Washington DC doesn’t have any skyscrapers.

    That leave it to either: Boston or Philadelphia.

    At least for my guesses.

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