Do you guys ever felt that you were training wrong? How to deal with this?

Do you guys ever felt that you were training wrong? How to deal with this?

1 Comment

  1. TheReapingFields

    Well, I got a lot of the training tips I used from The Bushka and watching other YouTubers too, to see what I felt I could make use of in my training. Because I used reliable sources to base my practice sessions on, I didn’t have too much concern about training incorrectly.

    I think if you are really worried, it’d be better to give us some idea of what your training regime looks like, but most people who train in any capacity at all, make the same mistake, and that is expecting that a training session going well, will equate to a match going well, or dying early less, and that ISN’T what it is for.

    Training is about fundamentals. Running the guns with good accuracy and speed, being able to shoot around cover, target transitions, things like that. But nothing you can do in a training session can prepare you for things like:

    Landing on a building with literally no guns in it

    Landing on a patch of roof with one gun on it, and some other dude lands on it first and blows you away with zero time to react

    Fucking campers

    For those things, only experience and luck can really do you any favours.

    Training will allow you to utilise your guns well, but it can’t tell you about how to drop from the plane, or how to choose an ideal drop location according to the plane path, or deduce where the hot spots and cool spots on the map will be, or anything like that. That is all what we call “soft skill” and it can’t be taught effectively, but it CAN be learned. It takes a lot of time though.

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