Call of Duty: Zombies

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What just happened?


  1. Inverzion2

    Welcome to the Ultra-Windmill Zombie, a Super Rare type that physically hits you 3+ times at once due to a physics problem and the round damage multiplier. It’s a common staple of Zombies tbh, super-sprinters made the quick hits even more painful. However, hellhounds/Zombie dogs have the fastest spawn to player damage out of a lot of the zombies matches that I’ve noticed.

    If you’ve ever lost a game trying to squeeze by the horde of Zombies and getting nicked enough to need the Quick Res, you’ll know how painful this is. Sorry, this must’ve been your first time getting Windmilled lol, It’s crazy it ended like that.

  2. Ashkill115

    Idk what inverzion2 guys on about but you died from the rayguns splash damage. The mk3 has a small blast radius so if you get hit and shoot a zombie up close you’ll pretty much immediately down yourself

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