Please review my RAM oc, new to this

I have been trying to get into RAM overclocking for a while now, here is what i got so far.
The kit is Corsair Vengeance LPX (4x8gb), the kit says ver 5.30 and from research it looks like the dies are Hynix AFR.(Not a very good die, iam surprised by the results i got )
The xmp profile that came with these kits is 3600c18-22-22-42 at 1.35v. not a very popular kit could not find a ton of info on the internet.
So far i made it run at 3733c16-19-19-38 at 1.475v, looks stable after hours of OCCT and TM5.
AIDA64 shows around 52-53MB/s of memory read and a 64-66ns latency.
I have a couple of questions and i appreciate any help.
1. Is runing the memory at 1.475v safe? I have a ram air cooler , if its safe then what is the maximum voltage that i can run with air cooling?
2. Can the other timings be improved more?
3. I believe 3d v cache cpu are the lease sensitive to memory overclocks so this whole thing might not be worth it but in general do AMD cpus benefit more from lower latency or higher bandwith?

1 Comment

  1. OkStrategy685

    some will say 1.5 is safe. i say i popped a stick at about 1.4 once. imo 1.47 is too high for all day ram oc.

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