[COD] fax it’s sad bc they have the blueprints to make unbelievable games like bo2 and choose not to 🤷🏽‍♂️

[COD] fax it’s sad bc they have the blueprints to make unbelievable games like bo2 and choose not to 🤷🏽‍♂️


  1. playerlsaysr69

    Lack of theme immersion, filler gunsmith system, terrible grinding, and the disgusting corporate live-monetization UI aesthetics really suck the fun out of the modern CODs

    I’d say Cold War and MW19 are the last CODs to have a partially decent normal UI that doesn’t scream Netflix or Hulu

  2. Ok-Confusion-202

    NGL, I don’t even think if they made a CoD exactly like Bo1/2 or something, people would actually be happy, people would 100% complain, I’ve come to accept that, while I do think Bo6 will be great (we will see when the beta rolls around), I do agree that CoD HQ is terrible, gunsmith and all, but I also realize that CoD won’t change much really, CoD will be CoD, they can’t change a lot without making it not CoD, remember when everyone was getting bored of Modern/past setting CoDs, and then we go futuristic CoDs and people complained? Everyone will complain about something, people complained about MW2/BO2 back in the day, and people complain now

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