Wife smashed it

Think it’s salvageable?


  1. that level of bend likely broke multiple traces and solder points, doubt theres anything you could do

    take this to the police and get out of this marriage, theres no valid reason to do this

  2. whitemalewithdick

    Na the marriage is already done for

  3. g2mitchell

    Are you OK? I hope you are not sticking around. You deserve better.

  4. Sensitive-Tomato97

    I see, myself as kid when someone broke by toy on purpose and trying to stick it together while crying by balls out and snot running trough my nose in hope of it gets fixed despite knowing nothing can be done.

  5. CicadaGames

    On the bright side, this will work perfectly with a curved monitor.

  6. TheOracle4882

    GPU is toast and judging by the angle it sits in the second photo, the PCIe slot it’s slotted in is probably warped and trashed. I’m sorry brother.

  7. dzordzLong

    Divorce. If you are in that kind of relationship … divorce.

  8. Donate it to Northwest repairs. The core, RAM, vrms, and various ic might save some other unfortunate bloke.

  9. ClerklierBrush0

    If that got smashed while still in your pc I wouldn’t be surprised if the motherboard is toast too

  10. AlphaTrion810

    You mean ex-wife, right?
    Noway coukd I stay with someone that breaks my stuff

  11. restarting_today

    Why is this person still your wife?

  12. Indie--Dev

    Sorry this happened man, I can related, had a crazy x throw one of my old pc’s out the window cause she thought I was flirting with the group I used to play sport with. Left her ass as soon as I got home. Get out asap~

    And I don’t think it will be savable at all, it’s really banged up.

  13. Training-Fill157

    The marriage? Definitely not, the card, probably no.

  14. Conscious-Ad-9107

    “ wife smashed it….. then surprised me with a new 4090 !! “ right ?

  15. ralphpolo4

    EVGA has always been good with repair. Perhaps they can still fix it. Get out of there now!!!! With the remainder of your PC.

  16. GolfIsGood66

    Put it in a frame and hang it on the wall to remind yourself to never let her in your life again.

  17. WhangaDanNZ

    Did your wife do this before or after you paid a Dom from Fetlife?

    You know, that post you made in SubSanctuary 8 days ago.

  18. HotEnthusiasm4124

    Salvageable? The card or the relationship?

  19. rapperveto

    If you’re asking if your marriage is salvageable, ima say probably not

  20. Odd_Masterpiece_9316


  21. TheTank18

    You quite literally tried to cheat on your wife for some kink shit, this is public information you posted

  22. the_viper115

    This is probably not a correct place to talk about but since you’ve shared your damaged pc part and who did it then lemme ask you this

    Why did that happen?

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