NAVI Just Played The Exact Same Game Against BIG From 2 Days Ago

NAVI Just Played The Exact Same Game Against BIG From 2 Days Ago


  1. darthrector

    Thank you jL for giving us a clip to differentiate the 2 games with

  2. NorFever

    # How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?

  3. Dota2player111

    Unfortunate that Bigs best and fav map is dust 2

  4. falsa_ovis

    scripted reality, we’re all living in a simulation 😧😅

  5. I’m curious if this was a better series for big or not despite having b2b Series scoreline lmfao.

  6. Lurkario-

    JL and iM decided to share the kills with wonderful on mirage this time lol

  7. r3Laps3D

    Aleksib knows to give enemy 10 rounds before pulling the matto, truly a mastermind, top 1 IGL for sure

  8. Splemndid

    WTF, what are the chances? Someone scrunch the numbers.

  9. GovTheDon

    Why would big let mirage through again Navi are kings of mirage rn

  10. Proof that we’re living in a simulation. This is just a tiny bug.

  11. Frl_Bartchello

    Theres something wrong in the mainframe guys. Plz fix the strains of reality

  12. That’s gotta be an exceptionally rare occurrence.

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