GameStop shuts down Game Informer and fires all the employees. Source: IGN

GameStop shuts down Game Informer and fires all the employees. Source: IGN


  1. IGN trying to take the heat off them for firing everyone at Humble Games rn

  2. Fuckin BYE

    Don’t give a rats ass about gaming rags anymore. Probably not since the 90’s. The only loss here is the occasional nice art in print. Put out a Game Art Monthly magazine, and get rid of the bulk of the obscuring type slapped all over it, and you’d get my money.

  3. michelobX10

    Didn’t know that Game Informer was still around. I guess that’s how long I haven’t been in a GameStop.

  4. DontYuckMyYum

    i stopped my subscription to them years ago, I still get issues in the mail.

  5. SolitaryMassacre

    What is game informer?

    (I’m joking i’ll google it, but I genuinely don’t know lol)

  6. Super_Squirrrel

    Literally resubbed when I heard they were doing print copies again, this is a real bummer.

  7. bobface222

    Sucks for those affected, but they honestly existed far longer than anyone thought they would.

  8. youngmostafa

    I remember being a young kid being juiced getting my game informer magazine from GameStop after buying a game.

    Good times .

    But print is basically done in 2024. So I understand . No one buying them anymore

  9. Total_Usual_84


    *these are dark times*, lives in my head now rent free. was a good run while it lasted though.

  10. RiftHunter4

    Didn’t know they were still around. It’s kinda surprising that they never went digital. It’s kinda crazy that we have sites like Kotaku instead.

  11. Hrmerder


    This mag has been crap for some time. It’s well over time this happened IMHO.

  12. BlindSquantch

    When I was a kid getting my monthly game informer copy was so exciting. Sad to see but hardly surprising.

  13. lazycakes360

    “Fires all the employees” sounds like a malicious act, which I’m sure this wasn’t one.

    As sad as it is, physical game news magazines aren’t popular anymore, and it was only a matter of time before they got the boot. It sucks for everyone involved but it was inevitable. I wish those who were working there good paying jobs elsewhere.

  14. SwaaaggerGirlz

    > Source: IGN

    This is 100% false, don’t even try it.

  15. Rustbuket80

    Lasted longer than anything associated with GS usually does.

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