
Sad news today

It’s honestly been years since I’ve had a subscription with game informer but damn this is sad to see. This magazine was actually enjoyable and insightful in my opinion. I remember I used to have a collection of these magazines. Plus, as silly as it sounds, game informer actually helped me decide what games I was going to get and those decisions led to very fun memories during my childhood.


  1. GlassedSurface

    Damn man. I swear by 2030, nothing from the 2010s is going to exist anymore except through memory.

  2. ryoga1414

    I’m sad to see it go, I used to read this and Nintendo Power and several other gaming magazines.

  3. BringBackBionix

    Man I remember as a kid walking or biking up to my local corner store (Mac’s for my fellow Canadians) and just being in awe at the Game Informers, I could flip through them for hours. This was before internet gaming publications really took off (it was the 2000s). R.I.P to Game Informer and bastions of the old world and childhoods

  4. Josgre987

    Rest in power game informer. My brother has stacks of them somewhere, but it’s probably been 10 years since I had a subscription 

  5. JayMalakai

    I hate how magazines are kind of becoming a dying medium. I always enjoyed having an annual thing to read catering to my specific interests.

  6. Kam_tech

    Loved Dreamcast Magazine, Gamepro, Nintendo Power, and now this is gone.

  7. avhensley

    I grew up in a poor and internet sparse area of Appalachia. Game informer used to be one of the few ways I was able to learn new information about video games. I used to plan what 2 games I’d get for Christmas by scrounging through the old game informer issues at my local library. Getting old sucks.

  8. Legal-Transition7925

    So, Game Informer finally hit the Game Over screen… but without the option to insert more coins.

  9. I haven’t bought a magazine in more than a decade. They were kinda fun in the before times but pointless now.

  10. Solipsisticurge

    Lot of memories attached to this one. But probably the same story as everyone – haven’t bothered with a subscription in years because online is easier. Hard to keep the doors open when that’s everyone’s take. Still sorry to see it go.

  11. I have not even set foot in a Gamestop in like ten years but I used to get this delivered, off and on, for quite a long time. I’d go in a Gamestop and they’d talk me into a year subscription for like 10 bucks for some special and they made good bathroom reading material.

  12. arcticvalley

    They lost my subscription when they auto switched over to a digital magazine. They could have doubled the price and I still would have kept it, but they decided to switch to digital, and i’m not dealing with that bullshit.

  13. psycharious

    I honestly thought this already shut down. 

  14. Truth_Be_Told87

    Honestly well worth the GameStop subscription to get the game informer… NOT ANYMORE. R I P.

  15. Striking_Beach5657

    I have core memories of passing these things around at lunch. The end of an era for sure…

  16. Broseph_Bobby

    I don’t know how sad it is. The writing has kind of been on the wall for awhile now.

    Honestly I am surprised it lasted this long. Without GameStop backing it I am sure it would have died off around the same time the other game magazines died.

  17. Smokinclowns72

    My grandfather used to always take me to GameStop as a kid to pick out a new game for my GameCube and eventually my Xbox 360. He got a subscription to this and I would be so excited to go over to my grandparents to read them together. I still remember seeing an issue where Skyrim was one of the games announced and I was beyond excited to play

  18. RupeeGoldberg

    Tilt Game Informer is still publishing new issues to this day. Well, was. Rip

  19. MaverickDago

    Damn, their was a small period where I got this magazine and it kind of mattered. It sucks to see them just vanish like so much other physical media. That timeframe where Gamestop briefly was decently priced with the membership that got you a subscription was a nice period of my gaming history.

  20. VernTheSatyr

    Thanks for all the informing. Rest easy. o7

  21. Slick_Wylde

    I feel so out of the loop, I didn’t even remember they made a magazine lol. I thought of them as an online gaming site like IGN, but still sad to see them go. (I’m 36 so it’s not an age thing, just didn’t read a lot of magazines)

  22. LimpBizkitEnjoyer_

    Something we millenials actually killed

  23. Glacial_Shield_W

    Magazines will have a new hayday, someday. Just like vinyl records. People start to miss having something material in their hands, eventually. Sorry to see them go, for now.

  24. Vagician_

    NOOOOOOO. I haven’t read it in years but NOOOOOO.

  25. comfy_bruh

    I remember getting the Arkham city issue. that was the prime time for those magazines man. I’m sorry I didn’t support it more.

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