Cyberpunk 2077

It’s a safety risk, and it needs to be fixed

It’s a safety risk, and it needs to be fixed


  1. floggedlog

    Admittedly, it’s nitpicking over details that don’t make any difference, but it is really funny to me that they went so far as to learn the proper identification numbers for manhole covers and still manage to use the wrong one

    That’s a long way to go to get it wrong

  2. Blackshadowspon

    this game is actually unplayable, ignoring this glaring oversight the traffic lights aren’t even in the right spot. ~~srsly tho I noticed that and now I can’t unsee it and it kinda drives me wild even though it really shouldn’t lol.~~

  3. MachineGunRabbi

    Is it a mistake though? Or is it an incredibly subtle nod to the idea that in a corpratocracy, basic infrastructure that would normally be publicly funded is neglected, and scavenged manhole covers need to be repurposed, even if they’re being used incorrectly? I mean, they took the time to the codes in the first place, why not have it mean something to the game?

  4. doesitevermatter-

    Instead of fixing it, I want them to just have cars drive over it and have their wheels pop down into the hole for a second as they pass.

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