One of these is different from others

One of these is different from others


  1. UserBenchmark: “While some people say burning boards, GPUs and CPUs are bad, especially at this price range, UserBenchmark fully approves of the special heating feature on these parts, and believes them to be a test of character, which is highly worth the money spent on luxurious parts.”

  2. o0YungHusk0o

    My friends NZXT custom pc just had the 14900k take a shit on him

  3. RevolutionaryCarry57

    It’s almost like a sick joke being played on the Intel + Nvidia loyalists.

  4. DerBandi

    Why am I giggling right now?

    Oh right, it’s because of my AMD system.

  5. VulpiniErebos

    Yeah it do be like that. I just wanted to video edit and do some AI stuff. Guess I should have just stayed in my own lane and only played video games.

  6. Really glad I built my 12th gen 4090 rig in a case that doesn’t flex the power cable badly.

  7. My 5 year old build with a 3600 and a 2070 is laughing at this mess, I could give this build to someone as a first PC and it would still be running in another 5 years. What the hell happened to the quality of components???

  8. TallgeeseIV

    And if you put all that in an NZXT H1 v1 with a 4090 with an unsecured power cable and a Gigabyte psu, you basically have a bomb.

  9. HakenBrowning

    At least one of them agreed immediately to make full refunds, is taking the problem seriously and even gave some DIY solutions to help with the problem. One of them did it.

    The smallest of the bunch.

  10. bootmeng

    Meanwhile I’m steady chillen on the PC I built in 2017.

  11. ShaunaRThiel

    Spotting the difference can be tricky! What criteria are you using to identify the one that stands out?

  12. Informal-Evidence997

    My R5 2600/GTX 1660 pandemic build still going strong 💪

  13. KirillNek0

    *And God said “Fuck this one in particular”*

    Sorry to hear that.

  14. GrimReaper-UA

    It’s because people choose what is more popular and about what you can bragging.

    For example my top end PC is.

    7950x3D good top AMD CPU, but for most people AMD suck and Intel better because it’s Intel, even if you need industrial chiller and additional power line for this CPU.

    Buying ASUS mb with stupid gaming name people feel themselves better than when they buy AsRock B650 board that from starts have correct parameters in BIOS.

    Again, melting connectors from mostly 90° mods or manufacturers where spends marketing department more than on engineering department. My PNY 4090 absolutely okay.

    Same with RAM, how you folks buying RAM with Ballistics, Armour in the name? It’s for stupid people.

  15. AggressiveLocation2

    Just rma’d my i713700kf… this this went from hero to zero in a year… now I’m stuck with the aftermath.

  16. Ok_Astronomer_1960

    Do not buy ASUS boards. I bought one and it arrived faulty. ASUS had zero customer support in my area and the only customer support I could get in touch with said “Not my problem, try the customer support options that have defunct and dead contacts”. I’m down money and all I got was some PC scrap and a bad taste in my mouth.

  17. No-Engineer-1728

    I knew I was right never replacing my mo-bo, my current one is 6 years old if I remember right

  18. Monochromatic_Kuma2

    What’s the deal with the Noctua heatsink? Have they lost their reputation as well?

  19. SalvoBrick

    Hey man, at least you know the Noctua folks will make it right.

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