
Dual 75″ 4K TV Floor Computing – 2 years on

Dual 75″ 4K TV Floor Computing – 2 years on

by deselected


  1. deselected

    Original post linked [here]( I wasn’t sure it’s different enough to warrant another post so I just haven’t, but my original photo seems to be making the rounds again and recently a few people have asked me for an update so figured may as well I guess.

    Between then and now, because of all the discourse on the floor ergonomics/practicality I figured I may as well just give it a go again, so for about a year I actually changed this setup to a [normal muggle height chair]( and raised everything else accordingly. Did a lot of tuning/tweaking during this period but in the end it reminded/confirmed for me all the reasons I do actually just prefer the floor and so took it all back down end of last year.

    I’ve now learned from last time that people actually want setup details, so here are the the main changes from last time:

    * Chair: Ikea Poang with a frame I made to be floor level and with a swivel. For the muggle height period this is the chair I went with because its construction was such that I could easily modify it how I needed, ie with side tables and a swivel base. I found it comfortable so I just repurposed it. I originally also had armrests that went the full length like when it was normal height, but turns out I actually find them to just be in the way and prefer having no obstruction there.
    * Wall mounted. This is really the biggest change I like most. Having the floor clear, rather than the bases of the stands in the way is great for my QoL (I have a big thing about clear (and clean) floors without obstructions). Didn’t buy new brackets I just repurposed the relevant parts from the floor stands and wall mounted them. For the portrait screen I had to [make my own thing]( out of steel brackets to be cantilevered off the wall, because I couldn’t find anything COTS with the required amount of extension off the wall but also actually looked solid enough at that amount of arm extension that I’d feel safe. Also I could then mount a little cabinet to it to contain all the cabling/accoutrement and to put the PC on top of.
    * Keyboard: Keychron Q11. Pretty basic bitch option among the ergo landscape, but I’m not in the hobby and not really interested in making it a hobby, so just to try out the split form-factor I wasn’t really invested in doing a custom build or learning a new layout like most people in that scene. Since I took that photo at the start of this year I’ve done away with the tenting. I tried it for a while when I first got the keyboard just because it seems to be the thing everyone does with splits, but turns out I find it more comfortable to just have them flat. Plus it gets in the way of transitioning from the mouse because I have it in the middle rather than on the outside. Those wedges are now underneath the speakers to angle them up a little better.
    * Bluetooth adapter: Handheld Scientific BT-500. The keyboard isn’t wireless so I have to use a device-side bluetooth adapter with a power bank so I can have clear space all around the chair with no cable to get in the way or trip on. This was actually kind of hard to find, where this seems to be the only COTS product that exists with this specific capability, and you can only special order directly from them as it’s not sold retail anywhere else.
    * TVs/speakers/PC/mouse unchanged. Although I guess one thing worth mentioning is I added some smart switches and IR transmitter, so when the PC turns on/off it automatically turns the TVs and speakers on/off with it. There’s just an inline power meter on the PC plug where going above/below a threshold of Wattage triggers everything else.

    If people want more pictures of specific stuff I can’t right now as I’m currently overseas (I really only spend about half the year here, which is also partly why not that much has changed about this setup). These photos are just what I happened to already have in my phone from when I sometimes take a photo to show a friend something in particular. The main photo of this post is actually from back in January.

  2. aayan987

    Now these are the type of setups that really make me want to change mine, not the overly clean aesthetic ones. This is really cool man.

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