Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Why does my knife not show


1 Comment

  1. Huntsmanbravo

    The Box Cutter blueprint for the Combat Knife in MW (2019) was obtained through the Season 5 Combat Pack bundle. Since the Combat Pack bundles were purchased through the PlayStation Store, they were handled by the game as real world currency purchases, even though they were free. This means that, like all other real world currency purchases, the Combat Pack bundles are tied to both your platform account and Activision account. If either account changes, you will no longer be able to access the real world currency purchases associated with that combination of accounts. This effectively means that real world currency purchases, such as the Combat Pack bundles and CoD Points, do not transfer between platforms. If you are playing MW (2019) on Xbox,, or Steam, you will not be able to use any of the items from MW (2019)’s Combat Pack bundles, even if you are using the same Activision account.

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