Cyberpunk 2077

Only 3% can afford healthcare?

It’s no surprise that NC has areas of extreme poverty but only 3% can afford healthcare ? NC has a population of 7 mil so 3% is about 210000.

Seems rather low considering 90% of NPC’s have some sort of chrome installed.


  1. PikachuNod

    Most of those 7 million live in poverty. Having chrome doesn’t mean it was done by a legit doctor. The whole point of Cyberpunk is that it’s a post-capitalidt hellscape.

  2. Traditional-Party-76

    I think it’s implied that this means most medical care is done on the black market with jailbreaked chrome via ripperdocs

  3. J_Mourne

    Oh yeah. I think the key here is the difference between “can afford” and “can go into crippling levels of inescapable debt slavery just for a chance at competing for a job.”

    Your average NC wage slave is getting cyberware on credit. Some of the gigs even go so far as to illustrate that companies are requiring their workers to use company-leased cybernetics, stims and nootropics to retain employment: stuff their workers can’t afford and just leaves them deeper in debt or worse.

    That 3% number is just the number of people who can absorb a medical emergency and bounce back on their feet paying from it out of their own wallets, no corporate strings or sponsored Trauma Team subscriptions attached.

  4. beckychao

    Like a fifth of Americans didn’t have health insurance before Obamacare, but functionally the number was much higher because of the amount of junk plans. Even now Americans ration their health insurance due to the astronomical cost. Maybe in Cyberpunk McCain won the 2008 election!

  5. Sad-Development-4153

    It’s a dystopia not a utopia.

  6. DismalMode7

    cybeprunk 2077 is set in a society divided between ultra rich people working for corporations and all the rest of population struggling the best the can… it’s just unlikely most of them could afford a trauma team membership.
    In another memo is revealed that kang tao corporation is the only one that supplies medical care to their employees as corporate benefits, while nightcorp is the corporation with shortest mandatory hours (like 80h a week lol)

  7. Justabattleshiplover

    As much as I love this game, the dystopian aspect feels quite extreme. 3% of people have insurance? Come on man. I know the whole game is “look at how fucked up this fictional world is with literally zero positive aspects, everything sucks!” but to a certain extent, that just gets boring.

  8. Hatarus547

    everyone has already explained it pretty well, just because people have Chrome does not mean they have Healthcare, most Fragmeat, Gangoons and even most Full time Mercs get their work done either by backstreet rippers or in a walk in clinic.

    Pretty sure this is why getting Trauma Team Gold package is considered a good investment if you take jobs, if i can use 2020 as an example it’s 500E a month for the most basic of package with a 100E per minute service fee ontop of that not to mention having to pay for Fuel, Ammo and personal injury of the TT members in the event of a pickup

  9. SatisfactionSpecial2

    Well, if you have no clean water, barely edible food, polluted air, cyberpsychos at every corner, gangoons at every street, and corpos who do experiments on you, it really becomes a question of how long can you keep affording healthcare before you can’t.

  10. Yonko_Kurohige

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the US comes down to that situation in the next few years lmao.

  11. lordjuliuss

    People are chromed, but poorly, by black market rippers, and probably through debt

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