Call of Duty: Warzone

Average experience as a MNK player

Average experience as a MNK player


  1. Manakuski

    You got shit on. If you jumped instead of dropshotting you would’ve won that gunfight, because then you wouldn’t have gotten headshot.

  2. Fuzzyday-101

    Not sure if the other player was on controller. Probably also on MNK, just better luck with spraying around like a headless chicken…

  3. The faster you go the faster he will auto-lock on you. It’s pretty much a gamble. If you jump and run against a console player you will die instantly and if you lay down against a pc player will die instantly. Pick your poison

  4. Edge_SSB

    Buddy, he missed half his fucking shots, you’re just ass. Try jumping when you shoot, it’s something that’s way easier on MnK than controller, AND would have won you the gunfight here.

  5. F_Gastro

    Can someone explain to me how bro misses 99% of his shots and still killed op? Please someone

  6. Rowstennnn

    the flick to the floor as soon as you get killed always makes me laugh my ass off


    I could be wrong, but it’s like you won that battle. AA didn’t help him in any way and he shot very badly , it’s just the game decided that you lost ….

    I have moments where I hit all the bullets and still lose, and killсamera I can see how my opponent shot poorly and still melted me.

  8. vscxz384

    Honestly this is just one of those Git Gud moments

  9. Not gonna lie, he could also be on MnK as he missed so many shots and had to adjust on the fly. Didn’t look like RAA at all. I’m afraid you got shit on.

  10. kaiguy91

    Hold the fuck up. I just slowed the video down and went frame by frame and is he getting hit markers on you while shooting the ground?!! Can someone else please verify this too?

    Edit: I see so many people saying it’s because he got headshots on you but I’m pretty sure he only got one headshot in. In my experience, getting one headshot in doesn’t usually seem to matter if you’re missing like 90% of your shots, well unless you’re using a sniper lol

  11. Crazy, I always run into the cracked MNK players, which is fun.

  12. pirate-private

    your centering was way off entering that room.

  13. BrawndoCrave

    That’s me on console too. But I’m not that good.

  14. bigmean3434

    That’s just the average WZ experience my

  15. OleksiyLesyshyn

    For everyone here saying to jump instead of drop shot. Jumping is in fact better, on controller, not on m&k.

    A very simple way to make you understand our pov would be this: turn off I’m assist and try both Bunny hopping and drop shorting a close range fightz

    Watch 1 game from my top m&k streamer and count the times they jump vs drop.

  16. Average experience as a below average player you mean lol.

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