Why is NAF not consistently talked about as a superstar, top20 player? His 2024 play is insane

Why is NAF not consistently talked about as a superstar, top20 player? His 2024 play is insane


  1. MoBoardgame

    NA qualifiers are like playing vs Tier 3 in Europe so I wouldn‘t consider them in the stats, but still impressive.

  2. munchk1ng1

    Cause look at his performances as soon as he faces top 20 opponents.

  3. ParticularPlum4690

    Within the seen he is always brought up as being a great person and player. He could be a top 20 if his teams were better and made more playoffs/finals. If Zywoo didn’t win any trophies and only smurfed in group stage we wouldn’t consider him a top 20 player. Oh wait….

  4. Ricky_RZ

    Unfortunately due to the fact that his playstyle and positions he often flies under the radar despite being consistently one of the best anchors/lurkers in the world for years on end.

    He is never the problem, but he isnt the kind of player that can always carry a match like a star awper

  5. Liquid didn’t achieve anything, one of the factors to determine the best players is whether they can do it when it matters most. I was really hoping he would come to G2 when they cut jks though

  6. IIcarusflew

    Watching right now, he is a multikill machine

  7. NationalAlgae421

    Quickly became my favorite player. He looks insanely chill. Whoever have him on team won the lottery.

  8. OnCominStorm

    Because Liquid haven’t won shit or even placed well in tier 1 events.

  9. edgygothteen69

    Average Liquid viewing experience:

    *Another Liquid loss… Huh, Naf got 238 kills that game with a 7.38 rating, neat…*

  10. Lurkario-

    He’s always been amazing, but the team he chooses to be on is usually shit so ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Liquid has been a laughing stock since Paris

  11. Jacko_Moto

    Cuz liquid barely played more than 5 maps in most tournaments

  12. NAF has never been a superstar. I would say he’s a solid top20 player in the world but he’s also not good enough to carry bad teammates to wins. It’s the reason why he wasn’t in hltv top20 last 2 years.

  13. Exphor1a

    NAF has always been under the radar for so many years, i think no one thought that he was going to be the only relevant player (to this day) of that great optic roster, everyone valued mixwell, rush and tarik waaaaay more than him, and now he is the only player of that roster that still competes in t1 at a consistent level.

  14. Bro might be consistent, but he’s not carrying the team to wins. Stats might get him to HLTV top 20, but superstar status comes with wins.

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