Counter-Strike 2

Stop throwing games because there’s a woman on your team

Stop throwing games because there’s a woman on your team

by limepurp


  1. Just report them for griefing and mute that’s how I deal with idiots in CS2

  2. Sorry you have to deal with that. It sucks but I would maybe try a voice changer 😭

  3. ibeatmydik2furryporn

    Just play with ur mates in a 5 stack Idk why nobody does this anymore tbh

  4. mcnastys

    I really enjoy playing CS with women on the team. There is a lot less ego, and way more cohesion.

  5. Salt-Wear-1197

    Playing solo queue huh? After 15 years of competitive solo-queue gaming I came to the realization a number of years ago that about 99% of the time randos have *absolutely nothing good to say*. Once they even get a hint of starting to turn sour in a match, literally anything you say will set them off. Of course it certainly is worse if you’re a girl. I have randos muted 24/7, and I personally recommend u do too!

    (I also personally recommend to never play CS unless you have 3 or more friends to queue up with. The experience otherwise is literal garbage lmao)

  6. viewmodeonly

    CS culture is a literal cesspit. Don’t know how to get around it, Valve does literally nothing to moderate this game. I swear VAC is a myth.

    Unrelated I audibly laughed at you calling the grenade your teammate threw at you a “bomb”. That really sent me for some reason

  7. KurtMage

    I saw the post and didn’t want to watch it because I knew it’d be painful to watch, but then I was like… I really ought to watch it. It sucks so bad.

    I feel like it’s pretty well-known that CS is a haven for the most bottom-of-the-barrel people (bigots, griefers, cheaters, you name it) and consequently I’ve found it to be the worst game I’ve ever had to matchmake into teammates. I’m very fast on the mute-button, generally giving one warning (“please stop doing that or I’ll have to mute you. This isn’t a threat, it’s an explanation of cause and effect.”).

  8. pumpboihuntersson

    as much as this must suck in the moment, if you think bigger picture i’m sure you can imagine how shitty these guys lives must be to be acting like this. literally the most pathetic pieces of garbage.

  9. meandercage

    halfway through 2024 and people still cry about women in gaming. Seriously cs2 is the only community that still bitches about that shit.

  10. PlayMother3

    Insane that these people, below you, kill you several times and spam flash you… Then get mad when you don’t carry them and you all lose??

  11. Armed-Deer

    Seems like aOP is trying to make stupid ragebait.

    * New reddit account
    * Advertising herself in new streamers subreddit
    * Creating outrage video for attention

    And now just wait for the subs to get in

  12. ZoeyDean

    I like to keep playing as if everything is normal (without muting them). It drives them nuts knowing they aren’t muted and they keep hurling more and more insults trying to get a reaction without success. Sometimes ending up with their own friends telling them to shut up, which is rare but gold when it happens.

  13. BeginningNeither3318

    CS community as always literally a bunch of disgusting frustrated incels

    At least he didn’t said some very obscene things and obscene sounds with it’s mouth in a game mostly played by kids, as it happens usually when a girl talks

  14. AndyDGAF89

    It is because you don’t have a knife. Get a knife, and people will respect you. I hope it’s obvious I’m joking.

  15. kakemone

    The biggest problem with this game has never been cheaters, bugs, hardware , subtick or lack of new stuff…. It’s just the people! Weak mentality assholes with toxic, griefing traits. No respect

  16. Hot-Region5101

    OP you don’t understand how much fun it is for there to be a woman on the team. CS is special because you can talk to people however you want compared to irl you might get punched in the face. Therefore when there is a girl on my team this is a rare opportunity to be extremely toxic to a woman with no real consequences.

  17. I think finding a group of people on discord to play 5 stack would be good for mental health lol, maybe girl exclusive

  18. Jax_Dandelion

    Trust me, people like that don’t need a reason to throw the matches

    You being a women is just an excuse, they’ll also do it when they see my furry pfp or notice I am gay

    Literally whatever you can think of is enough for them

  19. SylarGidrine

    I try harder when there is a girl. Can’t be caught lacking.

  20. LarryLobster69

    If only valve would actually take reports serious

  21. mahSachel

    Why would anyone do that? Neckbeard never talked to a chick before? I’ve got a girl on my friend list and she’s a monster with pistol & knife hell she’s an asset on a team a lot of times. And don’t talk annoying Bs on the mic

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