Stop throwing games because there’s a woman on your team

Stop throwing games because there’s a woman on your team


  1. csongorkovacs15_2

    I have a feeling there is a heavy downvote artillery barrage going on this post

  2. Pancakemanz

    Dudes cant handle playing with women. Its crazy. My buddy i play with always bitches and moans if he hears a woman.

  3. TheOnlyDavidG

    Nothing like some incels to ruin it for the rest of us, these are the same dudes that then ask why there aren’t more girls in their games, it’s you dude you are the problem

  4. spurvis1286

    I played with a 4 stack and two of our players were younger adults (mid 20s) who acted just like this. I’m not sure what it is about the younger generation online, but hearing racial remarks and constant f-word spam in VC is insane. It’s insane because 99% of them just act like this online. It’s sad.

  5. Cbrandel

    Idk if this is worse in low ranks but I’ve had many girls on my team in MM and people rarely care. Sometimes there’s some thirsty dude though, but they usually stop if you tell them off or make fun of them.

  6. static_element

    At this point, I would just abandon the game and wait for the next one. No one should have to endure a game with this level of abuse.

    What’s more irritating is that they won’t face any punishment. Valorant has a robust system for dealing with harassment and griefing, and very often hands out punishments. On the other hand Valve incompetent Devs don’t give a fuck about fixing anything, so they won’t fix that either.

  7. maxekmek

    It’s really sad. I was disappointed when guys I used to play with changed their tone when a girl joined our 4 stack. At least all their sexist jokes were on teamspeak and she didn’t have to hear them, but it didn’t make it ok or nice to listen to. Must be so frustrating to have to deal with these children. I’d like to think that all I’m guilty of when there’s a girl in the team is giving encouragement or praise if they’ve had a good round, which I tend to do for anyone really. 

  8. comalicious

    Straight up horse shit, dude. I really don’t understand the subsect of men that genuinely believe women aren’t just regular human beings like them. It’s bizarre to me. This shit has never been cool and yet it’s been a problem my entire life. Why are you intimidating to them? For what reason.

  9. krayon_kylie

    fragile male egos

    theyre sabotaging you because if you do better than them it hurts their fefes

  10. KeyCorgi

    This is a regular occurrence as a fellow female player. And if they aren’t griefing me or TKing me, they’re just making incredible sexist jokes the whole game or threatening to grape me.

  11. PhuckWar

    I feel bad for you , hope you get normal teammates next tine

  12. Frl_Bartchello

    Can we witch hunt this guy? I wanna flame him to the ground so bad.

  13. My wife loves cs and this happens about 30-40% of time. It’s almost like smurfing because so many ppl throw matches she puts up 20-30 kills frequently where she is ranked ~5k but goes about 1:1 in matches at 12-14k.

  14. ThisBlastedThing

    You’re a decent player from what I saw. Sucks you had to deal with those incel dumb asses.

  15. That’s a really nice-sounding keyboard. I didn’t pay attention to the incel chatter, to be honest.

  16. Tsobe_RK

    I have really hard time imagining what kind of people act like this, like why

  17. This game is filled with some of the most insecure and childish people I’ve interacted with.

  18. gohan1739

    Valorant is definitely more friendly by disabling friendly fire. These are the same people that complain about girls after getting rejected.

  19. JORJ42069

    Then ppl wonder how Valo got so popular and get mad.

  20. Mysterious6r

    Absolutely despicable. These fucking cavemen give all men a bad rep; how fuckinn unfair is this.

  21. HueyMaccer

    I might add it’s entirely possible they were acting like this due to the buys you had. People like this still have no excuse for their behaviour, but I find they are worse when you buy the “Cod Guns” (Scoped rifles) and Auto Snipers.

    There still is no excuse for this kind of behaviour, but from my own experience people tend to act more aggressively when you buy these items.

  22. Winter_Culture_1454

    This community has pieces of shit of any kind. Crybabies that throw because you choked a kill while he has played every round worse than you, people giving up when you lose pistol round, racists, sexists, people throwing because you are from country they don’t like and so on.

    This is why gamer girl I’m friend with always plays in a stack. All her and my friends don’t give a shit about gender and have fun playing together. I wish, it could be normal for randoms as well.

  23. Zeldaplayz

    I just wanna win a game idgaf who or what you are as long as we win please 🙏

  24. NorthenLeigonare

    Had two girls and two guys in a recent game to play with. I think we lost. It was close either way.

    One of them added me. That’s it. Nothing to shout about. I don’t get the hate.

    The only time a girl is annoying is when they are annoying in general, or if they are russian so they don’t speak English, and I’m trying to give calls in English. (Usually just restricted to Office though).

  25. AntandRocky

    Man I wish more women played CS / video games in general, then stuff like this completely explains why they don’t. Boys like this ruin everything 🙁

  26. ProgramXeon

    This screams he hates woman cause they dont pay attention to him

  27. Sorry that you had to face such shit. It’s absolutely unacceptable and downright shitty. Hope these idiots get banned someday.

  28. morpheus802

    This is so unfortunate, I honestly don’t know why guys get so mad a girls playing cs. Your good too so what’s the point ? I’m sorry for them. Keep on keeping on though and get a group of friends to play with fuck the others

  29. silentdragoon

    Bold of you to assume that these chumps can read

  30. L0Lygags

    Mid fragging while having shit talkers is kinda awesome tho. Its an ego thing most definitely. Howd the rest of the game go?

  31. Personal_Wrap4318

    tough watch these guys are so cringe jesus

  32. SctBrnNumber1Fan

    “shouldn’t be talking shit if you’re a bottom Fragger”

    LMAO… Boom Roasted. I think that really pissed off these children. They are just upset that they can’t get laid IRL.

  33. Arjanzmm

    I think its more because the game was going bad i play around nova and when games go bad the toxic people rage and find one or more persons to blame

  34. IlSottoScr1tto

    Nah, I feel bad for you 🙁 i hope you doin great now. I never see such disrespectful people

  35. BadgerII

    What being called ugly by your crush in 9th grade can do to a kid 🤣 absolute clowns.

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