Call of Duty: Warzone

Apex reducing AA by 25%(0.4-0.3)its now 50%(0.6) the strength of COD AA.

This is wild. Apex is realizing the disparity. 1 of the biggest arguments could be drawn from arguably the nest MnK apex player stating how OP AA was and having switched to Controller to prove it and he did it seamlessly becoming a top 3 pro player on controller.

They now have nerfed it to 50% less strength then Cod has always had knowing controllers had the advantage. This is all the Proof cod controller players need to understand how much they are leaning on AA whether they know about it or not.


  1. BRbeatdown

    I don’t think cod needs to be apex, or csgo, or pubg, or valorant.

    Making the argument that an FPS game on the market isn’t allowed to be aimed at casuals, makes no sense for me.

    It’s like saying no one should play Assassin creed games, because they aren’t as difficult as dark souls. It’s a strange argument to me. Not every game needs to be the dark souls of it’s genre. Not every game needs to revolve constantly around how skillful you are at pressing buttons mate.


    Cod has always been the casual, controller focused fps game. It’s always been designed, aimed at, and popular amongst timmies, and 40 year old dads with an hour to spare a week to sit down and shoot some shit with mates.

    And… there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!

    If you like Apex’s approach, go and fucking play Apex! Cod is a game for people that don’t think sitting in their sweaty room at their moms house, eating lard, and practicing on aim trainers is cool, and there’s nothing wrong with that.


    Chant it with me! *”Aim-A-ssist, Aim-A-ssist, Aim-A-ssist…”* No one? Oh well, gonna go back to enjoying my time whilst you cry about it.

  2. Aussie_Butt

    Oh look, another game lowering its AA.

    Looks like all the bots who copy-paste “they will never lower it, buy a controller or leave!!1” have no idea what they’re talking about.

  3. Most likely they are just trying to take player base from cod. Whether aa is op or not doesn’t matter. If people perceive apex is “more fair” maybe they will leave cod.

  4. I’m guessing they won’t see any new players join because of this, and will probably make casual apex players stop playing. And there is nothing wrong with that if they want it.

  5. Nintendo_Pro_03

    And they added/will add Resurgence, also. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

  6. CryptoXHypno

    I never played Apex before.. Is it worth giving it a shot?

  7. FistOfSven

    Noob question: What is the unit of measurement for AA? What does 0.4, 0.3 or 0.6 mean?

  8. JonathanAmoeba

    Or just isolate controller input and k&m input but I guess the overpaid diversity hires can’t figure that out

  9. Diane-Choksondik

    Apex is bleeding players, the AA skill gap was too big, the demons have been trouncing everyone.

    My discord of mouse & keyboard players use to be about 50/50 split between between Apex and Warzone, now it’s 0 Apex, 20% Warzone, 80% extraction shooters.

    We all saw the spreadsheet, if they keep fine tuning the AA until mouse & keyboard has roughly similar numbers to PC then maybe they can grow both groups numbers.

  10. yoiruiouy

    They’re also removing aim flinch to reduce visual obstructions during gunfights because it could throw off your ability to aim.

    Meanwhile in WZ the visibility is so bad that even controller players are complaining.

  11. rixxi_sosa

    Ok but now i wanna see him on controller without AA

  12. Nosnibor1020

    Bruh, I just switched to controller on cod. My k/d is on the rise!

  13. rixxi_sosa

    To all the MnK players i wanna see you play on controller with AA off

  14. Link2212

    At the start of warzone 1 I was playing controller. Must have done so for a few seasons in it, but eventually I moved to keyboard mouse because of the better aiming and movement, and to be honest, I got a lot better usinng mouse and keyboard.

    Now comes Warzone 3. I was still using keyboard and mouse the whole time up until half way through last season. I tried to switch to controller to see how it was. It was a horrible experience at first, but I knew it was just me having to get used to the feel of controller again. Now I feel like I’ve got the hang of it, and I’m getting kills I know I wouldn’t have gotten on mouse keyboard.

    So in conclusion: yes controller is disgusting with it’s aim assist. I didn’t want to change input but they’re making me do it. I forsee more and more people switching until it does change, because lets be honest here. You’re literally just playing on hard mode using keyboard and mouse at any range that’s not super far away.

  15. What does it even matter when tons of people use fucking aim bot anyway.

    Even with all that fucking AA they need to fucking cheat, god damn it pisses me off lol

  16. MrTimSmith

    Probably should be nerfed more but it’s a good start. I expect the opposite over here though, Black Ops 6 will probably have even stronger aim assist.

  17. Monkguan

    How do you know that, there are no official patch notes yet, only rumors

  18. RoadTop800

    I’m ok with that if you guys get a movement debuff. That’s fair

  19. Antique_Shower3065

    I could leave Reddit for a decade and come back and you all would still be complaining about AA as if MnK hasn’t had the overwhelming advantage in pvp shooters for the last 20 years.

  20. Samsonite187187

    Goodbye entire controller using player base.

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