
We are slowly getting there, boys: Argentina will use AI to ‘predict future crimes’ but experts worry for citizens’ rights

"But experts worry…", no shit, that's unbelievable.

P. K. Dick will turn out to be the prophet of what the future will truly look like, just without the epic druqs and aliens.


  1. Drogg339

    I don’t need an AI to predict if brought forward Javier will be assassinated.

  2. CruelRegulator

    I find it silly that this can even be up for debate. We know what happens. Why must there be a right to hold technology against our heads until the moment the trigger is pulled. This should be stuffed in this age. Now. I like my sci-fi to stay fi.

  3. ZalmoxisRemembers

    It all started when we gave corporations legal personhood. Think about how blatantly stupid that was.

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