Well its true….

Well its true….


  1. TempUser2023

    Didn’t the guy in white get a medal whereas the other one didn’t? So are you trying to say PCMR have all the gear but do worse than more basic gamers?

  2. CrabAppleBapple

    They’ve both got hearing protection and they’ve both got lenses on and they competed in different events.

  3. Shouldn’t it be other way around? They compete in different branches and dude was not competing solo. Nor was he using any equipment. He’s former military.

  4. Comfortable-Panda318

    Guy on the left had no aids (besides ear protection) and got a silver medal where’s as Lady on the right has ALL the aids and got a gold medal. Honestly, big W for low end gaming. Only a step behind without all the bells and whistles.

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