It’s happening. Steve is on it!

It’s happening. Steve is on it!


  1. New_Public_2828

    What does this mean. I feel like I’m im out of the loop

  2. Bring them down a notch or two. He is gonna torch em.

  3. Antique_Paramedic682

    Best time to buy a Volkswagen was after the emission scandal.  🤣. If this shit goes sideways, Intel is going to be watched heavily.

  4. EazyE030

    I’m starting to think my 13905H is cooked and they’re lying about mobile cpus not being affected 


    This is going to top the ASUS drama! Im strapped in baby 🍿🍿

  6. Donglemaetsro

    Inb4 the “Y’all are in a cult” comment. It’s obviously a religion…haters. Tech Jesus will provide!

  7. RevolutionaryEmu9480

    I’m glad GN and their entire crew perform the work to bring attention to these types of things. Don’t let these companies get away with this shit.  If any of the GN crew sees this, we appreciate you big time!

  8. snackajack71

    Feel bad for anyone whos affected by this. Intel have really made a monumental balls up by the sound of things. I dont see a smooth resolution.

  9. imrippingtheheadoff

    Intel has admitted that my 13700k is defective and am in the middle of an RMA. They asked me if I wanted to send in the old one first and then get mailed the new one or pay $25 to get the new one first. It’s not my only computer so I opted for option A and told them to send me the shipping label. That was a week ago and I’ve heard nothing since.

  10. Clear_Assignment7470

    Intel, Gamers Jesus Nexus is coming for you. Ain’t no running away from the reaper.

  11. Phixionion

    I just built an intel/asus rig Aug last year. Worried about my i7 13700k. I guess MSI/AMD going forward. 😅

  12. Apprehensive_Swim955

    UserBenchmark is about to challenge GamersNexus to a cage fight

  13. What-Even-Is-That

    Tech Jesus, you’re our only hope.

    Well.. *their* hope.. I went AMD last generation!

  14. OddBear402


    Tech Jesus provides

  15. ThisDumbApp

    Me as an AMD user since 2019


  16. ThatGuyOnyx

    Yooo can we split the GPU division from the rest of the company? Thanks

  17. itsankith

    Im so glad I switched over to AMD when i had the chance. :’)

  18. DontFuckWitSquirrels

    I need to go to the store and buy some popcorn.

  19. Stildawn

    What’s the haps with Intel, no idea what’s going on.

  20. Dizfunshinul

    Yeah I mean, I can’t believe they came out and said not refunding the bad parts. Such a bad a look. Glad mines 12th gen haha or I’d be AMD guy after that

  21. If there’s even a hint of conspiracy here, Intel will have the DOJ breathing down their necks very soon.

  22. I want to see a comment from userbenchmarks 😂

  23. wickedplayer494

    Spreading the leaflets warning of the impending atom bombings, I see. Start your shorts!

  24. _AngryBadger_

    This is going to be high quality drama.

  25. themule0808

    I must be lucky as my 14 series does not seem to be affected.

  26. Wraithdagger12

    Once more the ~~Sith~~ AMD shall rule the market.

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