Report: Bungie Faces Harsh Criticism After Layoffs, CEO Pete Parsons Under Fire for Vehicle Purchases

Report: Bungie Faces Harsh Criticism After Layoffs, CEO Pete Parsons Under Fire for Vehicle Purchases


  1. GradeAMeaf

    Better form a union and hold management to account 

  2. HisDivineOrder

    When mass layoffs happen, the one who expanded staffing and the CEO should be the first out the door with cardboard boxes.

  3. Far_Process_5304

    Bungie is pulling a CCP but on a larger scale.

    Squander profits from your successful game on a bunch of side projects that amount to nothing. Instead of just reinvesting that money into the game that people actually like.

  4. Echelon64

    So the dude was buying cars on the company card?

  5. iMpact980

    What a shit bag of an executive leader.

    But I’m gonna be real: he’s got a sick garage and I’m quite jealous.

    Bungie needs a leadership purge. Destiny is a travesty imo and super shallow.

  6. thirstyfish1212

    I’m so glad I stopped playing destiny last December.

  7. Captobvious75

    $2.4 million just in cars. Man, CEOs live in a completely different world.

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