
Rate my setup (Im 12yo)

I saved up al my money to get this im proud of It to have this as a 12yo!

by Mobile-Brilliant-434


  1. Mobile-Brilliant-434

    Can you please rate my setup as 12yo?

  2. Ill_Balance_4651

    Looks dope bro, nice work for being only 12đŸ’Ș

  3. Bumbooooooo

    Looks clean and well organized! Great work on saving up for a big purchase. Proud of ya.

    Just a comment on safety though. Don’t tell people your age online. There are a lot if sick creeps on the internet. Keep yourself safe!

  4. gloomdwellerX

    Nice wallpaper, matches the color scheme well. Got your microphone off the desk on a nice arm. Super convenient outlets to charge mobile electronics. Water instead of unhealthy drinks. Nice and clean and cozy. 8.5/10 my guy.

  5. ChamberOfSolidDudes

    200% crushing it, looks awesome! 12 yo me would be so jelly of 12yo you!

  6. ConfusedHomelabber

    # Good job! Don’t forget to post specs if you haven’t already though!

  7. arthurtully

    Mic needs to be front mounted. Also get off reddit. Come back in 5 years

  8. Way nicer than what I had a 12. Good on you saving up the money yourself.

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