
More layoffs at Bungie

More layoffs at Bungie


  1. I am not surprised that Bungie is facing layoffs.

  2. CrawlerSiegfriend

    I bet the devs thought they saved their bacon by putting out a successful DLC.

  3. brywalkerx

    Sony got what they wanted. Gave them insane goals they could never achieve so they could fully absorb them.

    “These actions will affect every level of the company, including most of our executive and senior leader roles.”

    “First, we are deepening our integration with Sony Interactive Entertainment, working to integrate 155 of our roles, roughly 12%, into SIE over the next few quarters.”

    “Second, we are working with PlayStation Studios leadership to spin out one of our incubation projects – an action game set in a brand-new science-fantasy universe – to form a new studio within PlayStation Studios to continue its promising development. “

    Bungie is dead. It was a good run.

  4. Not surprising to see really,every mega corp lays off workers nowdays

  5. LondonDude123

    TLDR (I think): 220 Jobs gone, 155 of those being moved into Sony to semi-create a new studio. One unreleased project moving as well to said semi-new studio.

    Rapid expansion pre-Lightfall, followed by Lightfall player count falling off (cause it sucked), then followed by Final Shape doing worse than expected (because Lightfall sucked), meant that Bungie has “been in the red”. Unclear as to whether that means “as compared to expectations” or literally the company is operating at a loss…

    DR-TLDR: If Marathon ~~fails~~ doesnt hit numbers comparable to OG Fortnite, Bungie is toast

  6. slabofTXmeat

    So is this Sony absorbing them or the execs at Bungie cutting more jobs to artificially reach financial goals to keep control?

  7. Cloud_N0ne

    Even after a successful expansion… fuck corporations

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