
What would you call the theme of my setup?

What would you call the theme of my setup?

by uwunby


  1. LordeCthulhu

    Can we be friends? You have figurines from all of my favourite media

  2. Immense_Raptor79

    I’m getting major Last of Us vibes for some reason

  3. NineteenNinetyEx

    Old guy setup with a touch of whimsy. I dig it.

  4. Many-Fox-519

    Im going to build something like this when I retire and get my pension

  5. onivulkan

    Mythical. Mind telling me what the monitor is?

  6. shrinivaschavan666

    Bro I say 1 think setup look op it like it awesome I also want to make setup like You and it give me the vibes of the last of us 2

  7. promlg420noscope

    First thought was Harry Potter for whatever reason


    No idea but my first thought was “Tech Druid”

  9. TaerinaRS

    This is one of the coziest and most inviting setups I have ever seen. I love it so much. Thanks for sharing it.

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