Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

MW19 Challenges

Any tips ?


  1. m1ke-wah0usek3y

    The HC Hardpoint playlist in the Quick Match playlist filter only has Shoot House and Shipment. These two maps will get your camo grind done faster as everything is one shot. On Shoot House, equip thermal scopes and camp middle on the concrete walls. Use Smokes before pushing the wall, in case anyone is also doing the longshot challenges. For decreased recoil and more coverage, mount against the wall. Camp there and kill anyone that pushes middle lane. Easy long shots than any other map in the game. Good luck.

  2. I dawned a thermal optic in HC, found a good lane that people wouldn’t think to look, or patrolled certain areas to stay on the move. Idk how hard these are going to be with the game not as active. I went with FFA because people were less likely to notice me

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